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All Outputs (8)

Conceptualizing political campaign messaging in an election - the case study of the 2016 presidential election in Ghana (2022)
Adutwum, S. Conceptualizing political campaign messaging in an election - the case study of the 2016 presidential election in Ghana. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Political campaign messaging is acclaimed as one of the three critical success factors in winning a competitive election. With Ghana’s virtual two-party political system, formulating attractive campaign message for election becomes imperative. This s... Read More about Conceptualizing political campaign messaging in an election - the case study of the 2016 presidential election in Ghana.

A multi-dimensional framework of interactive value formation within complex, prolonged and technology-based self-services (2020)
Luyen, V. T. A multi-dimensional framework of interactive value formation within complex, prolonged and technology-based self-services. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Firms attempt to co-create superior perceived value and/or avoid value co-destruction. There is, however, no guarantee of success especially within the consumption of complex, prolonged and technology-based self-services. In such services, the proces... Read More about A multi-dimensional framework of interactive value formation within complex, prolonged and technology-based self-services.

Deconstructing the information and technology adoption process for the NGO sector in Saudi Arabia (2017)
Al-Thomaly, A. A. Deconstructing the information and technology adoption process for the NGO sector in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Despite the lack of scholarly attention given to the voluntary sector in Saudi Arabia, the need for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the NGO landscape in KSA has never been greater. Given Saudi Arabia’s global leadership in humanitarian and... Read More about Deconstructing the information and technology adoption process for the NGO sector in Saudi Arabia.

The consumer engagement-interactivity link : an e-retailing perspective (2015)
Hedges, N. J. The consumer engagement-interactivity link : an e-retailing perspective. (Thesis). University of Hull.

An increasingly turbulent and unpredictable consumer landscape is posing unprecedented challenges for the modern marketer. Faced with a highly fragmented and cynical consumer base, aggressive competitive strategies, a constantly evolving digital and... Read More about The consumer engagement-interactivity link : an e-retailing perspective.

A deconstruction of factors that affect performance of women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (2015)
Shafii, M. E. A deconstruction of factors that affect performance of women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Female entrepreneurship in Western countries has received ample research interest over the last decade. Research about female entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) and particularly in Saudi Arabia is, however, still in its i... Read More about A deconstruction of factors that affect performance of women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.

Determining the relationship between mental health and occult superstitious consumption (2015)
Al Meleehan, A. Determining the relationship between mental health and occult superstitious consumption. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This piece of research is instigated by the growth of interest over recent decades in the occult/superstitious and in their consumption. The phenomenon is investigated by a thorough and critical literature review with special reference to psychologic... Read More about Determining the relationship between mental health and occult superstitious consumption.

Youth consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility : an Islamic perspective (2014)
Alfakhri, Y. M. M. Youth consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility : an Islamic perspective. (Thesis). University of Hull.

As the interest in CSR has increased, the concept has been applied to different sectors and cultures. However, CSR has been founded on liberal, Western foundations and most CSR investigations have been based on Western values as they have considered... Read More about Youth consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility : an Islamic perspective.

An Islamic identity approach to developing pro-recycling attitudes in Malaysia (2014)
Isa, N. M. An Islamic identity approach to developing pro-recycling attitudes in Malaysia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Recycling attitude and behaviour change have been traditionally explored from a socio-psychological perspective. Recent work on integrating social marketing communications interventions to influence this attitude and behavioural change has also grown... Read More about An Islamic identity approach to developing pro-recycling attitudes in Malaysia.