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All Outputs (28)

Assessment of the impacts of ornamental fish export trade on the exploited ichthyofauna of Lake Malawi (2020)
Msukwa, A. V. Assessment of the impacts of ornamental fish export trade on the exploited ichthyofauna of Lake Malawi. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Globally there are many documented impacts of ornamental fish export trade elsewhere on the exploited populations, on habitats of fish as well as on unequitable distribution of benefits along the ornamental fish export trade value chain. Capture of l... Read More about Assessment of the impacts of ornamental fish export trade on the exploited ichthyofauna of Lake Malawi.

Conservation of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia (2019)
Alharthi, I. G. Z. Conservation of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study aims to gain fundamental knowledge to underpin the formulation of practical solutions to ensure the protection and conservation of Saudi Arabian fishes threatened by anthropogenic activities, whilst taking into account all users and stakeh... Read More about Conservation of freshwater fishes in Saudi Arabia.

Habitat use and behaviour of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at a sub-tropical nursery site in the Bahamas (2018)
Bullock, R. W. Habitat use and behaviour of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at a sub-tropical nursery site in the Bahamas. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Understanding how animals behave in their natural environment provides important insights into their ecology and is valuable for species conservation. For many aquatic species, observation of behaviour is difficult and research has in the past largel... Read More about Habitat use and behaviour of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at a sub-tropical nursery site in the Bahamas.

Management of watergate to enhance fisheries in the Nam Kam River system, Thailand (2017)
Apiradee Hanpongkittikul. Management of watergate to enhance fisheries in the Nam Kam River system, Thailand. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The impact of watergate operation on hydrology and habitat, and their effects on fish migration, fish diversity, population structure, and recruitment of fisheries resources were studied in the Nam Kam River system, a tributary of the Mekong in Thail... Read More about Management of watergate to enhance fisheries in the Nam Kam River system, Thailand.

The influence of flow management and habitat improvement works on fish communities in Yorkshire rivers (2017)
Taylor, M. J. The influence of flow management and habitat improvement works on fish communities in Yorkshire rivers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Many of the rivers in the UK are heavily modified by channelisation, impoundment (dams and weirs and off-river storages), land drainage and flood defence. These modifications have reduced the natural variability of flow and habitat diversity and in t... Read More about The influence of flow management and habitat improvement works on fish communities in Yorkshire rivers.

Factors affecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Mersey catchment, North West England, and the potential for a recolonisation (2015)
Billington, S. Factors affecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Mersey catchment, North West England, and the potential for a recolonisation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Salmon became locally extinct from the River Mersey, northwest England, during the 1950s – 1970s due to deterioration in water quality and man-made barriers. Stray salmon began entering the River Mersey in the 1990s but a self sustaining population h... Read More about Factors affecting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Mersey catchment, North West England, and the potential for a recolonisation.

Adapting fisheries-based livelihoods to hydrological changes in the Lower Mekong River Basin : a case study of Lao PDR (2015)
Kaviphone Phouthavong. Adapting fisheries-based livelihoods to hydrological changes in the Lower Mekong River Basin : a case study of Lao PDR. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Nam Theun 2 hydropower dam was selected for this study to assess how local communities respond to hydrological changes and examine the impacts of these changes to ecology and livelihoods of people around the Nakai reservoir and downstream in the Xe B... Read More about Adapting fisheries-based livelihoods to hydrological changes in the Lower Mekong River Basin : a case study of Lao PDR.

Fisheries management plan for the Yorkshire River Derwent (2014)
Upsher, D. J. A. Fisheries management plan for the Yorkshire River Derwent. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The European Union’s (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) necessitates that all Member States must aim to reach good ecological status or potential within inland and coastal waters by 2027. The River Derwent catchment is under substantial pressure (e... Read More about Fisheries management plan for the Yorkshire River Derwent.

Identifying limitations of monitoring the success of river rehabilitation schemes for freshwater fish (2013)
Angelopoulos, N. V. Identifying limitations of monitoring the success of river rehabilitation schemes for freshwater fish. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Hydromorphological degradation impacts on habitat availability for biota in rivers. Degradation occurs as a consequence of multiple pressures driven by anthropogenic actions such as agriculture, urbanisation, industry, water supply, flood protection,... Read More about Identifying limitations of monitoring the success of river rehabilitation schemes for freshwater fish.

Conservation of barbel (Barbus barbus) in the River Great Ouse (2013)
Twine, K. G. Conservation of barbel (Barbus barbus) in the River Great Ouse. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There have been growing fears relating to the distribution and a perceived lack in natural recruitment of barbel in European rivers. This project reviewed existing literature, examined the suitability of Environment Agency data to assess barbel popul... Read More about Conservation of barbel (Barbus barbus) in the River Great Ouse.

Outcomes of river rehabilitation on instream hydraulics and fish communities (2013)
Smith, M. A. Outcomes of river rehabilitation on instream hydraulics and fish communities. (Thesis). University of Hull.

All fish species have specific habitat requirements, which differ according to life history and life stage. Where requirements are not met, or are inadequate for a particular species, the species will be locally absent or the population in poor condi... Read More about Outcomes of river rehabilitation on instream hydraulics and fish communities.

The ecology of larval and juvenile fishes in lowland rivers, with particular emphasis on foraging (2012)
Tewson, L. H. The ecology of larval and juvenile fishes in lowland rivers, with particular emphasis on foraging. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There are numerous biotic and abiotic factors that affect the abundance of cyprinid fish stocks in rivers, many of which are poorly understood. The role of food availability during critical life stages is one of these fa... Read More about The ecology of larval and juvenile fishes in lowland rivers, with particular emphasis on foraging.

Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides (2012)
Smith, V. A. J. Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Polyploidy in animals is rare and often associated with asexual reproduction in all-female lineages. Although some authors believe these lineages to be evolutionary dead ends there is increasing evidence that some species can adapt efficiently and ul... Read More about Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides.

Applications of fish scale analysis to understand growth dynamics of fish populations (2012)
Taylor, R. J. Applications of fish scale analysis to understand growth dynamics of fish populations. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The use of hard structures to derive ecological information about fish populations is a fundamental tool in fisheries assessment, specifically the back-calculation of fish lengths. This study highlights the potential errors associated with correction... Read More about Applications of fish scale analysis to understand growth dynamics of fish populations.

Conservation of freshwater biodiversity in key areas of the Colombian Amazon (2011)
Portocarrero Aya, M. Conservation of freshwater biodiversity in key areas of the Colombian Amazon. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Freshwater ecosystems maintain incredible ecological processes that support millions of species, including human beings. Important goods and services ranging from food and building materials to water cleansing, flood and erosion control, cycling of n... Read More about Conservation of freshwater biodiversity in key areas of the Colombian Amazon.

Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish (2008)
Bolland, J. D. Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Globally, freshwater fisheries are faced with numerous impacts that compromise fish populations. A knowledge and understanding of riverine fish movements are crucial for effective management and conservation of populations. However, there is a paucit... Read More about Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish.

Assessment and management of the abalone (haliotis mariae, Wood 1828) stock in the Omani waters (2006)
Al-Hafidh, A. S. A. Assessment and management of the abalone (haliotis mariae, Wood 1828) stock in the Omani waters. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study investigates the status of Abalone fishery (Haflotis mariae) in the southern region of Oman. This fishery has been an important and valuable resource to both the population in this region as well as for the country. The fishery began aroun... Read More about Assessment and management of the abalone (haliotis mariae, Wood 1828) stock in the Omani waters.

The dynamics of larval and 0+ juvenile fish population in lowland rivers (2005)
Nunn, A. D. The dynamics of larval and 0+ juvenile fish population in lowland rivers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Early development represents a critical period in the life cycle of fishes, with a wide range of biotic and abiotic factors influencing eventual recruitment to the adult populations. Despite their key importance in the sustainability of fish populati... Read More about The dynamics of larval and 0+ juvenile fish population in lowland rivers.

Impacts of coastal land reclamation on the fisheries of Mukim Lekir, Malaysia (2005)
Ramli, M. F. S. B. Impacts of coastal land reclamation on the fisheries of Mukim Lekir, Malaysia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In 1997, land reclamation works began in the coastal area of Mukim Lekir. Ultimately, an area of 8,094 ha was planned to be reclaimed along Lekir's coastline, but to date; only Phase 1 of the project has been completed. The Phase 1 project of 405 ha,... Read More about Impacts of coastal land reclamation on the fisheries of Mukim Lekir, Malaysia.

Exploitation and management of the artisanal fisheries in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria (2002)
Muhoozi, L. I. Exploitation and management of the artisanal fisheries in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The fisheries resources of Lake Victoria support the livelihoods to the lakeside rural communities and are vital to the economies of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, especially through fish exports. Management decisions to enable long-term sustainable exp... Read More about Exploitation and management of the artisanal fisheries in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria.