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All Outputs (2)

An autoethnographic exploration of the working practices associated with women’s football performance analysis (2019)
Wright, L. An autoethnographic exploration of the working practices associated with women’s football performance analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Background and Purpose
Recent research has shown sports coaching, and performance analysis in particular, to be a non-linear process characterised by complexity, ambiguity and negotiated interaction between athletes and practitioners (Jones & Thomas... Read More about An autoethnographic exploration of the working practices associated with women’s football performance analysis.

Investigations of stress appraisals and emotions, and their impact upon coping resources, performance, and neuroendocrine response among athletes (2019)
Thompson, M. A. Investigations of stress appraisals and emotions, and their impact upon coping resources, performance, and neuroendocrine response among athletes. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Both the Cognitive-Motivational-Relational (CMR) Theory of Emotions and the Broaden-and-Build (BaB) Theory of Emotions are seminal in the domain of psychology. Despite the widespread relevance of their combined core ingredients (that is, stress appra... Read More about Investigations of stress appraisals and emotions, and their impact upon coping resources, performance, and neuroendocrine response among athletes.