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All Outputs (5)

An investigation of the internet banking (IB) adoption, use, and success in Saudia Arabia (SA) (2014)
Al-Qahtani, M. E. An investigation of the internet banking (IB) adoption, use, and success in Saudia Arabia (SA). (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis attempts to empirically investigate the different factors that have relation with the adoption, use and success (Dependent variables) of Internet Banking (IB). It extended the previous marketing literature and TAM model by investigating d... Read More about An investigation of the internet banking (IB) adoption, use, and success in Saudia Arabia (SA).

Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector (2013)
Shaalan, A. S. L. Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Establishing strong, high-quality relationships with customers can be an important element in conducting business throughout the world, particularly in complex and highly competitive markets. This study attempts to explore and examine the differences... Read More about Guanxi-type relationships (shabakat al-alakat) and relationship marketing : new linkages in the Egyptian SME sector.

Developing and validating a CSR model of stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty: multidimensional constructs (2011)
Mohd Isa, S. Developing and validating a CSR model of stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty: multidimensional constructs. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important strategic policy for organisations despite increasing pressures for its incorporation into business practices. A considerable amount of attention has been paid to the construct of CSR and... Read More about Developing and validating a CSR model of stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty: multidimensional constructs.

Examining the mere exposure effect in a marketing context (2011)
Grimes, A. Examining the mere exposure effect in a marketing context. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The mere exposure effect (MEE) was first identified by Zajonc (1968:1) who observed that, “the mere repeated exposure of the individual to a stimulus is a sufficient condition for the enhancement of his attitude towards it. By ‘mere exposure’ is mean... Read More about Examining the mere exposure effect in a marketing context.

The value of e-banking services in the Egyptian environment : an integrated model (2010)
El Naggar, R. A. E. A. I. The value of e-banking services in the Egyptian environment : an integrated model. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Introduction: Driving the introduction of e-banking services in Egypt are structural changes, which have intensified competition across the banking sector. The value (net benefits) of e-banking services to their suppliers lies in their ability to att... Read More about The value of e-banking services in the Egyptian environment : an integrated model.