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All Outputs (2)

Cranial form evolution and functional adaptations to diet among papionins : a comparative study combining quantitative genetics, geometric morphometrics, and finite element analysis (2013)
Prôa, A. M. G. P. R. Cranial form evolution and functional adaptations to diet among papionins : a comparative study combining quantitative genetics, geometric morphometrics, and finite element analysis. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

This thesis aims to study the evolution of cranial form and its biomechanical adaptation to the function of feeding in papionins, a group of primates with well-established phylogeny, large variations in cranial form, and well known ecologies and diet... Read More about Cranial form evolution and functional adaptations to diet among papionins : a comparative study combining quantitative genetics, geometric morphometrics, and finite element analysis.

Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides (2012)
Smith, V. A. J. Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Polyploidy in animals is rare and often associated with asexual reproduction in all-female lineages. Although some authors believe these lineages to be evolutionary dead ends there is increasing evidence that some species can adapt efficiently and ul... Read More about Morphological and ecological divergence in the hybridogenic fish complex Squalius alburnoides.