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All Outputs (8)

The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government (2019)
Tiraprapa Ratanachoti. The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Wastewater is a cause of environmental concern throughout the world; industry, municipalities and agriculture are major sources of wastewater. About 6.8 million cubic meters of industrial wastewater are produced per day in Thailand, which contributes... Read More about The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government.

Relationships between surface pollen and vegetation in the Meiling Mountains, southeast China : an aid to reconstruct past vegetation dynamics (2018)
Fang, Y. Relationships between surface pollen and vegetation in the Meiling Mountains, southeast China : an aid to reconstruct past vegetation dynamics. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Understanding the relationships between modern pollen deposits and their surrounding vegetation is an important tool to improve the quality of reconstructions and interpretations of past vegetation changes from fossil pollen records. The overall aim... Read More about Relationships between surface pollen and vegetation in the Meiling Mountains, southeast China : an aid to reconstruct past vegetation dynamics.

Reconstructing palaeoenvironments of the White Peak region of Derbyshire, northern England (2014)
Kitcher, S. J. Reconstructing palaeoenvironments of the White Peak region of Derbyshire, northern England. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Sub-fossil pollen from Holocene tufa pool sediments is used to investigate middle – late Holocene environmental conditions in the White Peak region of the Derbyshire Peak District in northern England. The overall aim is to use pollen analysis to reso... Read More about Reconstructing palaeoenvironments of the White Peak region of Derbyshire, northern England.

Spatial and temporal variation in stomatal response to climate: a case study of modern and herbarium samples of Salix (2013)
Tunnicliff, L. Spatial and temporal variation in stomatal response to climate: a case study of modern and herbarium samples of Salix. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The purpose of this project is to investigate the interaction between atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) levels and climate with the stomatal abundance of Salix cinerea (Grey Willow). There are three principle objectives of this research:
1. Develop a... Read More about Spatial and temporal variation in stomatal response to climate: a case study of modern and herbarium samples of Salix.

The environmental context of later prehistoric human activity in Orkney, Scotland (2009)
Farrell, M. The environmental context of later prehistoric human activity in Orkney, Scotland. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates concepts of marginality and the response of human populations to changing environmental conditions in prehistoric Orkney. Archaeological remains from the Orcadian Bronze Age are less visible than those from the Neolithic and... Read More about The environmental context of later prehistoric human activity in Orkney, Scotland.

Understanding good ecological status: a palaeolimnological approach (2009)
Yates-Sabren, K. T. Understanding good ecological status: a palaeolimnological approach. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The current study uses multiproxy palaeolimnological analysis of sediment cores to reconstruct the long-term (10² to 10³ years) nutrient status of Upper Talley and Llyn Pencarreg, two closely adjacent, moderately nutrient-enriched lakes in Carmarthen... Read More about Understanding good ecological status: a palaeolimnological approach.

Palaeohydrology and archaeology in raised mires: a case study from Kilnagarnagh (2005)
Bermingham, N. C. Palaeohydrology and archaeology in raised mires: a case study from Kilnagarnagh. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis concerns the palaeohydrological reconstruction of a raised mire in Kilnagamagh, Co. Offaly, Ireland in order to investigate environmental influences on human activity in mires as represented by archaeological deposits, and the mire's pote... Read More about Palaeohydrology and archaeology in raised mires: a case study from Kilnagarnagh.

Holocene floodplain vegetation dynamics and sea-level change in the lower Aire valley, Yorkshire (1999)
Kirby, J. R. Holocene floodplain vegetation dynamics and sea-level change in the lower Aire valley, Yorkshire. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Perimarine river valleys are a rich resource for studying palaeoecological change which may provide information concerning catchment and sea-level change. This thesis reconstructs the environmental history of the lower Aire valley during the Holocene... Read More about Holocene floodplain vegetation dynamics and sea-level change in the lower Aire valley, Yorkshire.