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All Outputs (3)

Optimising the prescription of training for post-activation potentiation in rugby league players (2018)
Scott, D. J. C. Optimising the prescription of training for post-activation potentiation in rugby league players. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Maximum lower-body muscular strength and power are key determinants of successful performance in rugby league (Baker & Newton, 2009; Johnston, Gabbett, & Jenkins, 2014). Due to large amounts of concurrent energy system training and the congested fixt... Read More about Optimising the prescription of training for post-activation potentiation in rugby league players.

The effects of continuous, intermittent and mode of exercise on mechanical bone remodelling (2017)
Montgomery, G. J. H. The effects of continuous, intermittent and mode of exercise on mechanical bone remodelling. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Bone health is known to deteriorate with age, which can increase the risk of osteoporotic fractures and subsequently all-cause mortality. Current life expectancies are higher than ever before and with our ageing population, osteoporosis and low bone... Read More about The effects of continuous, intermittent and mode of exercise on mechanical bone remodelling.

The effect of intermittent exercise on mechanical loading and biomarkers of bone metabolism (2016)
Evans, W. J. The effect of intermittent exercise on mechanical loading and biomarkers of bone metabolism. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Introduction: Bone is a metabolically active tissue which plays a multifunctional role within the body. Animal models have provided evidence demonstrating that dynamic and unaccustomed mechanical loads imposed by gravity and/or muscle activation whic... Read More about The effect of intermittent exercise on mechanical loading and biomarkers of bone metabolism.