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Intraspecific variation in the responses to copper by two estuarine invertebrates (1997)
Nedwell, S. F. Intraspecific variation in the responses to copper by two estuarine invertebrates. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Copper tolerance has been investigated in Nereis diversicolor and Corophium volutator from three different estuaries; the Humber, Alaw and Dulas, and intraspecific variation in the responses to copper of both these animals were examined. Sediment con... Read More about Intraspecific variation in the responses to copper by two estuarine invertebrates.

Inter-specific hybridization in the fish family Cyprinidae (1994)
Pitts, C. S. Inter-specific hybridization in the fish family Cyprinidae. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The breakdown of reproductive isolation leading to inter-specific hybridization is a widespread phenomenon amongst cyprinid fishes. There are seventeen cyprinid species occcurring in the British Isles, within five sub-families, giving rise to some te... Read More about Inter-specific hybridization in the fish family Cyprinidae.

Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (1991)
Nolan, C. P. Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The rate of growth in many localised or sedentary marine species is governed by the effects and variation of environmental parameters.

At high latitudes few studies have investigated this relationship in marine invertebrates and a lack of informat... Read More about Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands.

The fish and fishery of Stocks Reservoir, Lancashire (1989)
Walker, N. M. The fish and fishery of Stocks Reservoir, Lancashire. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study of the fish and fishery of Stocks Reservoir, Lancashire, is the result of contract work undertaken by the researcher for North West Water (NWW). In an attempt to describe the location of the study, relevant information covering the catchme... Read More about The fish and fishery of Stocks Reservoir, Lancashire.