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All Outputs (7)

Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations (2017)
Collins, C. Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There is a constant requirement to understand scour especially regarding its prevention, due to the potential impact and disastrous consequences. The installation of offshore wind turbines is haunted by scour mitigation and at the start of the offsho... Read More about Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations.

Numerical simulation of noise attenuating perforated combustor liners and the combustion instability issue in gas turbine engines (2017)
Wang, J. Numerical simulation of noise attenuating perforated combustor liners and the combustion instability issue in gas turbine engines. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Combustion instability represents a significant problem in the application of low emission lean premixed combustion for gas turbines and has become one of the primary concerns in modern gas turbine industry. Effusion cooling has become common practic... Read More about Numerical simulation of noise attenuating perforated combustor liners and the combustion instability issue in gas turbine engines.

In situ imaging and diffraction studies of the deformation of metallic glasses and composites (2016)
Khong, J. C. In situ imaging and diffraction studies of the deformation of metallic glasses and composites. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Three types of experimental studies were done on metallic glass alloys in this PhD project. Firstly, in situ tensile deformation of bulk metallic glass alloy Zr₄₁.₂Ti₁₃.₈Cu₁₂.₅Ni₁₀Be₂₂.₅ (Vit-1), and a bulk metallic glass matrix composite, Zr₃₉.₆Ti₃₃... Read More about In situ imaging and diffraction studies of the deformation of metallic glasses and composites.

Applications of dynamic simulations in the process industries : a safety case study using Texas City refinery explosion (2014)
Isimite, J. O. Applications of dynamic simulations in the process industries : a safety case study using Texas City refinery explosion. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Although process safety performance in petroleum refineries is much better today compared to several decades ago, major accidents still occur occasionally. The explosion and fires at Texas City refinery on 23 March 2005 is regarded as one of the wors... Read More about Applications of dynamic simulations in the process industries : a safety case study using Texas City refinery explosion.

Large eddy simulation of acoustic propagation in turbulent flow through ducts and mufflers (2012)
Singh, N. K. (. Large eddy simulation of acoustic propagation in turbulent flow through ducts and mufflers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research involves study of acoustic propagation of pulse in a simple expansion muffler, which is very often used in HVAC or automotive exhausts. A hybrid pressure-based compressible solver is developed and validated for a low Mach number flow si... Read More about Large eddy simulation of acoustic propagation in turbulent flow through ducts and mufflers.

Image based analysis of visibility in smoke laden environments (2010)
Zhang, Q. Image based analysis of visibility in smoke laden environments. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study investigates visibility in a smoke laden environment. For many years, researchers and engineers in fire safety have criticized the inadequacy of existing theory in describing the effects such as colour, viewing angle, environmental lightin... Read More about Image based analysis of visibility in smoke laden environments.