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All Outputs (2)

Chinese Shakespeares : an intercultural study of adaptations across performance genres (2016)
Tang, R. Chinese Shakespeares : an intercultural study of adaptations across performance genres. (Thesis). University of Hull.

My dissertation uses the proliferation of contemporary adaptations and performances of Shakespeare in Mainland China from the 1980s to the present as an example to demonstrate the complicated language, historical, cultural, and socio- political inter... Read More about Chinese Shakespeares : an intercultural study of adaptations across performance genres.

'The audience enjoyed the audience', a practice-as-research based investigation into space, proxemics, embodiment and illocution in relation to young people's reception of Shakespeare (2015)
Bell, H. P. 'The audience enjoyed the audience', a practice-as-research based investigation into space, proxemics, embodiment and illocution in relation to young people's reception of Shakespeare. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This dissertation is the written component of a practice-as-research based investigation into the reception of Shakespeare’s writing by young people via performance-based methods. Participants in the research took part in a twofold process, firstly a... Read More about 'The audience enjoyed the audience', a practice-as-research based investigation into space, proxemics, embodiment and illocution in relation to young people's reception of Shakespeare.