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All Outputs (5)

Evaluation of the use of ICT to support students’ learning and communication in a Saudi Arabian higher education institution : conflicts, contrasts and tensions in lecturers’ perspectives (2019)
Alabadi, N. Evaluation of the use of ICT to support students’ learning and communication in a Saudi Arabian higher education institution : conflicts, contrasts and tensions in lecturers’ perspectives. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores lecturers’ views on the main issues surrounding their use of information and communications technology (ICT) to support students’ learning and communication in Jeddah University. It also identifies lecturers’ pedagogical beliefs... Read More about Evaluation of the use of ICT to support students’ learning and communication in a Saudi Arabian higher education institution : conflicts, contrasts and tensions in lecturers’ perspectives.

Teachers' and students' views towards the impact of assessment practices on the teaching and learning of EFL in the Libyan higher education sector (2019)
Omeman, A. M. A. Teachers' and students' views towards the impact of assessment practices on the teaching and learning of EFL in the Libyan higher education sector. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study has been conducted with the aim of investigating teachers‘ and students‘ views towards the impact of the assessment practices on the teaching and learning of English as foreign language (EFL) in the higher education sector in Libya. It als... Read More about Teachers' and students' views towards the impact of assessment practices on the teaching and learning of EFL in the Libyan higher education sector.

An anatomy of a social network : momentum, enhanced engagement and social media fatigue : a qualitative case study of situated literacy and engagement among further education re-sit students in the UK (2016)
Scott, H. E. An anatomy of a social network : momentum, enhanced engagement and social media fatigue : a qualitative case study of situated literacy and engagement among further education re-sit students in the UK. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The thesis presents a case study of how an online social network supported the classroom learning experienced by students undertaking the GCSE English re-sit. Inherent to the study is the problem of engagement and motivation among students ambivalent... Read More about An anatomy of a social network : momentum, enhanced engagement and social media fatigue : a qualitative case study of situated literacy and engagement among further education re-sit students in the UK.

The needs of stakeholders in the formation of a local children's university : an exploration through grounded theory of participant drivers and their underpinning features (2014)
Overton, D. T. The needs of stakeholders in the formation of a local children's university : an exploration through grounded theory of participant drivers and their underpinning features. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There are over ninety local Children’s Universities (CUs) throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. CUs aim to recognise the learning needs of children which are met through extracurricular and out of school provision. The performance of some local... Read More about The needs of stakeholders in the formation of a local children's university : an exploration through grounded theory of participant drivers and their underpinning features.

E-learning for transformation? : a grounded theory investigation of the student and staff experience in two educational programmes at the University of Malta (2013)
Vancell, J. E-learning for transformation? : a grounded theory investigation of the student and staff experience in two educational programmes at the University of Malta. (Thesis). University of Hull.

E-learning has become a mainstream feature in Higher Education. It is no longer restricted to the innovative practice of pioneer educators. But how are students and staff experiencing this change?

This research used the Grounded Theory methodology... Read More about E-learning for transformation? : a grounded theory investigation of the student and staff experience in two educational programmes at the University of Malta.