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All Outputs (2)

Aspects of the New Commonwealth immigration question and its impacts: a study in policy making and elite politics, 1968-1981 (2013)
Nolan, M. R. Aspects of the New Commonwealth immigration question and its impacts: a study in policy making and elite politics, 1968-1981. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[Author's synopsis]:
This thesis offers an analysis of policy making on aspects of the New Commonwealth immigration issue in Britain between 1968 and 1981. It concerns three formally distinct but profoundly interlocking issues: immigration control i... Read More about Aspects of the New Commonwealth immigration question and its impacts: a study in policy making and elite politics, 1968-1981.

Women's discontent in the German Democratic Republic during the Honecker era (2006)
Boyce, K. E. Women's discontent in the German Democratic Republic during the Honecker era. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of women’s discontent in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) during the Honecker Era. It will focus on women’s experiences as a social group, using individual stories to reveal trends and developmen... Read More about Women's discontent in the German Democratic Republic during the Honecker era.