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All Outputs (3)

International labour migration and urbanization in Saudi Arabia : the working and living experiences of Egyptian doctors and their families in Jeddah (1992)
Al-Khazraj, Y. T. International labour migration and urbanization in Saudi Arabia : the working and living experiences of Egyptian doctors and their families in Jeddah. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates the working and living experiences of temporary Egyptian migrant doctors and their families in Saudi Arabia's major urban centres. The empirical research was conducted in Jeddah city, the largest urban centre in the Western p... Read More about International labour migration and urbanization in Saudi Arabia : the working and living experiences of Egyptian doctors and their families in Jeddah.

Agricultural change and rural development in an upland area of France : the case of "La Cerdagne" (1990)
Bugler, S. P. Agricultural change and rural development in an upland area of France : the case of "La Cerdagne". (Thesis). University of Hull.

The restructuring of post-war West European agriculture has had repercussions for general economic activity, local labour markets, local rural economic structures and the provision of local services. This study addresses these and related issues in o... Read More about Agricultural change and rural development in an upland area of France : the case of "La Cerdagne".

Economy and beliefs among the Cairo poor (1983)
Kanawati, M. M. Economy and beliefs among the Cairo poor. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Through a phenomenological approach and the adoption of an ethnographic methodology, this thesis is a study of a poor community in a residential slum quarter of Cairo. Both objective and subjective aspects of the poor’s everyday life were studied wit... Read More about Economy and beliefs among the Cairo poor.