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The maturity related physical phenotypes of English, elite youth soccer players : exploring the elite player performance plan (2016)
Towlson, C. P. The maturity related physical phenotypes of English, elite youth soccer players : exploring the elite player performance plan. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The aims of this thesis were to examine the relationships between relative age, maturity status, and physical phenotypes on the selection, playing position allocation, and development tempo of a broad sample of elite youth soccer players’ that best r... Read More about The maturity related physical phenotypes of English, elite youth soccer players : exploring the elite player performance plan.

Training load monitoring in soccer : the dose-response relationships with fitness, recovery and fatigue (2012)
Akubat, I. Training load monitoring in soccer : the dose-response relationships with fitness, recovery and fatigue. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The congested fixture schedules in elite soccer leagues around the world has bought the issue of recovery between games and subsequent performance to the fore in soccer related research. Studies have described the time-course of recovery for numerous... Read More about Training load monitoring in soccer : the dose-response relationships with fitness, recovery and fatigue.

U-SAFT⁹⁰ simulates the internal and external loads of university-level soccer match play (2012)
Guard, A. U-SAFT⁹⁰ simulates the internal and external loads of university-level soccer match play. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Motion analysis has become more prevalent in contemporary soccer research, particularly within the elite sector. The study of motion-profiles can be used for identifying patterns in soccer match performance regarding both physical and technical eleme... Read More about U-SAFT⁹⁰ simulates the internal and external loads of university-level soccer match play.

Monocyte heat shock protein 72 at rest and in response to environmental and exercise stress : implications for cross tolerance in vivo (2010)
Taylor, L. Monocyte heat shock protein 72 at rest and in response to environmental and exercise stress : implications for cross tolerance in vivo. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The human body endures stress on a daily basis, with many occupational and recreational activities beset with such challenges to homeostasis. These challenges include that of exercise and exposure to challenging environments (hypoxia and hyperbaria).... Read More about Monocyte heat shock protein 72 at rest and in response to environmental and exercise stress : implications for cross tolerance in vivo.

Effect of fatigue on hamstring strain injury risk in soccer (2008)
Small, K. A. Effect of fatigue on hamstring strain injury risk in soccer. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Hamstring strains are one of the primary injuries within modern soccer match-play. The injury is well recognised by medical personnel, coaches and athletes as a major concern causing significant financial costs and lost time from training and matches... Read More about Effect of fatigue on hamstring strain injury risk in soccer.