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All Outputs (3)

Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality (2019)
Grabher, B. Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In the context of the transformative ambitions of event-based, culture-led urban regeneration, this thesis interrogates the production of cultures of gender equality in City/ Capital of Culture mega-events. Inspired by Donostia/ San Sebastián as Euro... Read More about Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality.

Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training (2019)
Enderstein, A.-M. (2019). Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The last six decades have seen measurable progress in equality policies and projects in Europe, but as existing research demonstrates, this work is characterised by paradoxes and faces significant opposition in the current sociopolitical environment.... Read More about Equality building in Europe: praxis, paradoxes, and the transformative potential of gender+ training.

Making sense of narrative constructions of child sexual exploitation in England: a qualitative study of how they impact on lived experience, from the perspectives of adult female survivors, non-abusive parents and professionals (2019)
Redmond, T. (2019). Making sense of narrative constructions of child sexual exploitation in England: a qualitative study of how they impact on lived experience, from the perspectives of adult female survivors, non-abusive parents and professionals. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Recent years have seen a shift in structural narratives of how ‘child sexual exploitation’ (CSE), a distinct and complex form of child sexual abuse, has been perceived and responded to in discourse and policy. What is currently identified as ‘child s... Read More about Making sense of narrative constructions of child sexual exploitation in England: a qualitative study of how they impact on lived experience, from the perspectives of adult female survivors, non-abusive parents and professionals.