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An examination of the role of education in supporting the rural economy of southern Ghana (1982)
Fiah, S. F. Y. An examination of the role of education in supporting the rural economy of southern Ghana. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[Introduction:] The data used for writing this thesis was gathered mainly from twenty-one small-scale rural industries which fall under six categories Food, Ceramics, Woodwork, Iron Extraction, Textiles and Bricks and Tiles.
These industries were lo... Read More about An examination of the role of education in supporting the rural economy of southern Ghana.

Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe (1982)
Price, J. D. Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids and their biostratigraphy are reviewed, with particular reference to the Sauerland and Oberfranken, West Germany. Most european species of the Order Clymeniida are described. The Famennian ammonoid zonal scheme is... Read More about Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe.

Studies of insects associated with Lotus corniculatus L. (1982)
Compton, S. G. A. Studies of insects associated with Lotus corniculatus L. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The major objectives of this study were to describe the insect fauna associated with L. corniculatus and to obtain information on the response of insects to cyanogenesis. The latter is of particular interest because some molluscs and small mammals ha... Read More about Studies of insects associated with Lotus corniculatus L..

Growth and development of country towns : the case of eastern Yorkshire c1700-1850 (1982)
Noble, M. (. K. Growth and development of country towns : the case of eastern Yorkshire c1700-1850. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Although smaller urban communities accounted for as much as 50% of urban living throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries their importance is not proportionately represented in the considerable body of literature directed towards analysing t... Read More about Growth and development of country towns : the case of eastern Yorkshire c1700-1850.

The development of full time elementary education for the lower orders during the nineteenth century, with special reference to schooling in Hessle, Hull, Kirk Ella, Swanland and North Ferriby (1982)
Davison, L. M. The development of full time elementary education for the lower orders during the nineteenth century, with special reference to schooling in Hessle, Hull, Kirk Ella, Swanland and North Ferriby. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Baring the nineteenth century the State increasingly intervened in the field of elementary education. This study examines why the intervention occurred, the form it took, and its impact upon the development of schooling in Hessle, Hull, Swanland, Kir... Read More about The development of full time elementary education for the lower orders during the nineteenth century, with special reference to schooling in Hessle, Hull, Kirk Ella, Swanland and North Ferriby.

Government and the development of a specialised urban system: the case of the Royal Naval dockyard towns in Great Britain (1982)
Harris, T. M. Government and the development of a specialised urban system: the case of the Royal Naval dockyard towns in Great Britain. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Since their inception in the sixteenth century the Royal Naval dockyard towns have, under the control of central Government, combined to form a military-urban system. The dominance of dockyard establishments in the economy of adjacent urban settlemen... Read More about Government and the development of a specialised urban system: the case of the Royal Naval dockyard towns in Great Britain.

Development and physiological characteristics of avian fast and slow contracting muscles (1982)
Moore, G. E. Development and physiological characteristics of avian fast and slow contracting muscles. (Thesis). University of Hull.

1. The ALD and PLD muscles from the chicken.were studied throughout ex ovo development from 3 days of age until early adulthood. These two muscles provided a model for studying phasic fast fibres and tonic slow fibres.

2. Development over the first... Read More about Development and physiological characteristics of avian fast and slow contracting muscles.

Diagnetic modelling in Middle Jurassic clastic sediments from the Ravenscar group, Yorkshire, and the Brent group, northern North Sea (1982)
Kantorowicz, J. D. Diagnetic modelling in Middle Jurassic clastic sediments from the Ravenscar group, Yorkshire, and the Brent group, northern North Sea. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Diagenesis is the sum of those processes whereby an originally sedimentary assemblage attempts to reach and maintain an equilibrium with its environment. Numerous factors influence and affect the diagenesis of sedimentary elastic assemblages - fundam... Read More about Diagnetic modelling in Middle Jurassic clastic sediments from the Ravenscar group, Yorkshire, and the Brent group, northern North Sea.

Middle and Upper Devonian conodont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, south Devon (1982)
Castle, C. Middle and Upper Devonian conodont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, south Devon. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Localities and conodont faunas in the Torquay region are described, and the latter are assessed in terms of standard European Devonian conodont zonations, demonstrating that many of the divisions from the Middle Devonian partitus Zone to the Upper De... Read More about Middle and Upper Devonian conodont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, south Devon.

Cognitive flexibility training with severely and moderately mentally handicapped persons (1982)
Parmar, V. Cognitive flexibility training with severely and moderately mentally handicapped persons. (Thesis). University of Hull.

An attempt is made in this thesis to measure the effects of Cognitive Flexibility Training with moderately and severely handicapped individuals.

The first chapter starts by introducing various criteria adopted to classify mentally retarded people.... Read More about Cognitive flexibility training with severely and moderately mentally handicapped persons.

A methodology for investment planning in developing fisheries (1982)
Haywood, K. H. A methodology for investment planning in developing fisheries. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Of all the corporate tasks facing government agencies and business enterprises, none is more challenging or has received more attention than those involving the management of capital. This is as true for fisheries as any other sector of the economy.... Read More about A methodology for investment planning in developing fisheries.

Christian religious education in Kenya : an assessment of the evolution and operation of the Western missionary ideology (1982)
Otiende, J. E. Christian religious education in Kenya : an assessment of the evolution and operation of the Western missionary ideology. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study analyses the problems of moral education within Christian religious education in Kenya. It focuses on the displacement of African traditional education by the Western missionary ideology. The latter's influence on Christian religious educa... Read More about Christian religious education in Kenya : an assessment of the evolution and operation of the Western missionary ideology.