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End of life care in paediatric settings: UK national survey (2024)
Journal Article
Bedendo, A., Papworth, A., Beresford, B., Phillips, B., Vasudevan, C., Walker, G. L., Weatherly, H., Feltbower, R., Hinde, S., Hewitt, C. E., Murtagh, F., Noyes, J., Hackett, J., Hain, R., Oddie, S., Subramanian, G., Haynes, A., & Fraser, L. (online). End of life care in paediatric settings: UK national survey. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, Article spcare-2023-004673.

Objectives To describe end of life care in settings where, in the UK, most children die; to explore commonalities and differences within and between settings; and to test whether there are distinct, alternative models of end of life care. Methods An... Read More about End of life care in paediatric settings: UK national survey.

Can ChatGPT pass a physics degree? Making a case for reformation of assessment of undergraduate degrees (2024)
Journal Article
Pimbblet, K., & Morrell, L. (2025). Can ChatGPT pass a physics degree? Making a case for reformation of assessment of undergraduate degrees. European Journal of Physics, 46(1), Article 015702.

The emergence of conversational natural language processing models presents a significant challenge for Higher Education. In this work, we use the entirety of a UK Physics undergraduate (BSc with Honours) degree including all examinations and coursew... Read More about Can ChatGPT pass a physics degree? Making a case for reformation of assessment of undergraduate degrees.

Seabed seismographs reveal duration and structure of longest runout sediment flows on Earth (2024)
Journal Article
Baker, M. L., Talling, P. J., Burnett, R., Pope, E. L., Ruffell, S. C., Urlaub, M., Clare, M. A., Jenkins, J., Dietze, M., Neasham, J., Silva Jacinto, R., Hage, S., Hasenhündl, M., Simmons, S. M., Heerema, C. J., Heijnen, M. S., Kunath, P., Cartigny, M. J., McGhee, C., & Parsons, D. R. (2024). Seabed seismographs reveal duration and structure of longest runout sediment flows on Earth. Geophysical research letters, 51(23), Article e2024GL111078.

Turbidity currents carve the deepest canyons on Earth, deposit its largest sediment accumulations, and break seabed telecommunication cables. Powerful canyon-flushing turbidity currents break sensors placed in their path, making them notoriously chal... Read More about Seabed seismographs reveal duration and structure of longest runout sediment flows on Earth.

Metal-organic frameworks of p-hydroxybenzoic acid: synthesis, structure and ring opening polymerization capability (2024)
Journal Article
Gong, Y., Sharp, S. J., Elsegood, M. R., & Redshaw, C. (2024). Metal-organic frameworks of p-hydroxybenzoic acid: synthesis, structure and ring opening polymerization capability. RSC advances, 14(51), 37895-37901.

Two new, isostructural, metal-organic frameworks {[Co(O2CC6H4O)(DMF)]2}n and {[Mn(O2CC6H4O)(DMF)]2}n have been synthesised and structurally characterized. Use of p-hydroxybenzoic acid resulted in a three-dimensional MOF featuring a linker with a carb... Read More about Metal-organic frameworks of p-hydroxybenzoic acid: synthesis, structure and ring opening polymerization capability.

Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses) (2024)
Book Chapter
Menezes, I., de Andrade, J., Barbosa, F., & Borges-Andrade, J. (2024). Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses). In A. B. Soares, M. C. Monteiro, M. E. de Melo Jardim, R. Ribeiro, & C. A. Cobellas de Medeiros (Eds.), Metodologia Quantitativa:Técnicas e Exemplos de Pesquisa (63-85). Appris Editora

Empirical evidence-based practice has increasingly become a requirement in professional settings. Within this context, psychological research plays a pivotal role in society, providing insights that guide psychologists across various domains. These f... Read More about Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses).

Tissue factor signalling modifies the expression and regulation of G1/S checkpoint regulators: Implications during injury and prolonged inflammation (2024)
Journal Article
Featherby, S., Faulkner, E., & Ettelaie, C. (2025). Tissue factor signalling modifies the expression and regulation of G1/S checkpoint regulators: Implications during injury and prolonged inflammation. Molecular Medicine Reports, 31(2), Article 39.

Tissue factor (TF) possesses additional physiological functions beyond initiating the coagulation cascade. Cellular signals initiated by cellular TF or on contact with TF-containing microvesicles, contribute to wound healing through regulating a numb... Read More about Tissue factor signalling modifies the expression and regulation of G1/S checkpoint regulators: Implications during injury and prolonged inflammation.

Humans and great apes visually track event roles in similar ways (2024)
Journal Article
Wilson, V. A. D., Sauppe, S., Brocard, S., Ringen, E., Daum, M. M., Wermelinger, S., Gu, N., Andrews, C., Isasi-Isasmendi, A., Bickel, B., & Zuberbü Hler, K. (2024). Humans and great apes visually track event roles in similar ways. PLoS Biology, 22(11), Article e3002857.

Human language relies on a rich cognitive machinery, partially shared with other animals. One key mechanism, however, decomposing events into causally linked agent-patient roles, has remained elusive with no known animal equivalent. In humans, agent-... Read More about Humans and great apes visually track event roles in similar ways.

The ethics of using AI in K-12 education: a systematic literature review (2024)
Journal Article
Gouseti, A., James, F., Fallin, L., & Burden, K. (in press). The ethics of using AI in K-12 education: a systematic literature review. Technology, Pedagogy and Education,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are becoming integrated into the domains of teaching, learning, assessment and administration of educational institutions. While these advances are seen to provide opportunities, new concerns have arisen about the e... Read More about The ethics of using AI in K-12 education: a systematic literature review.

Measuring Gender Disaggregated Human Capital Development as Determinants Of Economic Growth In Nigeria (2024)
Journal Article
Tontu-Gukat, B., & Bhattarai, K. (2024). Measuring Gender Disaggregated Human Capital Development as Determinants Of Economic Growth In Nigeria. Journal of Development Economics and Finance, 5(2), 255-270.

This study is a gender disaggregated analysis to investigate impact of human capital development on economic growth in Nigeria. The ARDL approach was applied in order to examine the gender disaggregated education, health and gender gap index as deter... Read More about Measuring Gender Disaggregated Human Capital Development as Determinants Of Economic Growth In Nigeria.

Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, A., & Midgley, G. (online). Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension. Systems research and behavioral science, 42(1),

A dilemma in critical systems thinking is how to balance a desire for critique to inspire far-reaching transformations in society with the requirement for people to reach accommodations to enable on-the-ground change. Both critique and accommodation... Read More about Accommodation and critique: A necessary tension.

The nexus of overnight trend and asset prices in China (2024)
Journal Article
Guo, J., Han, X., Li, K., & Li, Y. (2025). The nexus of overnight trend and asset prices in China. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 170, Article 104997.

Leveraging the systematic variations in investor clientele within a day, we validate an adapted version of the Hong and Stein (1999) model that addresses the consequences of slow information diffusion in China. The model predicts that overnight retur... Read More about The nexus of overnight trend and asset prices in China.

Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers (2024)
Journal Article
Ainsworth, R. F., Vickers, L. H., Bolland, J. D., Taylor, M. J., Harvey, J. P., Noble, R. A., Cowx, I. G., & Nunn, A. D. (2024). Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers. Scientific Data, 11, Article 1271.

Long-term datasets provide context and understanding of complex ecological processes, including temporal variations in species diversity and ecosystem dynamics. This dataset is comprised of body length measurements (mm) of more than 380,000 larval or... Read More about Two decades of body length measurements of larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers.

Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence (2024)
Book Chapter
Velentza, K. (2024). Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence. In A. Landskron (Ed.), Hergestellt und aufgestellt – Keryx 12 Produktionsdynamiken und Kontexte römischer Skulpturen im antiken Mittelmeerraum (41-66). Uni-Press Graz

From the sixteenth century onwards, hundreds of ancient sculptures have been discovered in the waters of the Mediterranean from the context of shipwrecks, potential unrecorded shipwrecks, or out of context as isolated finds. Scholars have so far ana... Read More about Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence.

The impact of home institutions on the internationalization of emerging market SMEs: a systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Kumari, S., Shirodkar, V., & McGuire, S. (online). The impact of home institutions on the internationalization of emerging market SMEs: a systematic review. Multinational business review,

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review literature on home-country institutional factors influencing the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from emerging markets. Based on the analysis, the authors propose a res... Read More about The impact of home institutions on the internationalization of emerging market SMEs: a systematic review.

Communicating treatment options to older patients with advanced kidney disease: a conversation analysis study (2024)
Journal Article
Selman, L. E., Shaw, C. B., Sowden, R., Murtagh, F. E., Tulsky, J. A., Parry, R., Caskey, F. J., & Barnes, R. K. (2024). Communicating treatment options to older patients with advanced kidney disease: a conversation analysis study. BMC Nephrology, 25(1), Article 417.

Background: Choosing to have dialysis or conservative kidney management is often challenging for older people with advanced kidney disease. While we know that clinical communication has a major impact on patients’ treatment decision-making, little is... Read More about Communicating treatment options to older patients with advanced kidney disease: a conversation analysis study.

Watery Archives: Reflections on doing participatory archival research for climate action and audience engagement (2024)
Journal Article
Worthen, H., & Weatherall, C. (online). Watery Archives: Reflections on doing participatory archival research for climate action and audience engagement. Area,

This paper is based on our experience of running a one-day participatory workshop at the Hull History Centre in the summer of 2023 titled “Watery Archives: Exploring Hull’s flood histories”. The event was co-designed by academics and archivists in di... Read More about Watery Archives: Reflections on doing participatory archival research for climate action and audience engagement.

Linear dynamics in turbulent stratified plane Poiseuille flow (2024)
Journal Article
Lloyd, C. J., & Dorrell, R. M. (2024). Linear dynamics in turbulent stratified plane Poiseuille flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 999, Article A104.

We investigate a turbulent stratified plane Poiseuille flow using linear models and nonlinear simulations. We propose the first complete explanation for the prolific and coherent backward (BWs)-and forward-propagating waves (FWs), which have been obs... Read More about Linear dynamics in turbulent stratified plane Poiseuille flow.

Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ravindhran, B., Prosser, J., Lim, A., Mishra, B., Lathan, R., Hitchman, L., Smith, G., Carradice, D., Thakker, D., Pymer, S., & Chetter, I. (2024, June). Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool. Presented at The European Society for Vascular Surgery Translational Spring Meeting 2024, Stockholm, Sweden

Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies (2024)
Hill, C. A. (2024). Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There used to be limited knowledge on how wounds heal in response to clinical treatments, therefore therapies were often ineffective, causing a need to heal the wounds that failed to respond to treatment (Gregor et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2014). Dev... Read More about Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies.

INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol (2024)
Amr Abdelfatah, O., Hilton, A., Schafheutle, E., Wong, G., Holden, K., Scott, L., Roberts, N., Haddington, N., Kelly, T., Hibberd, V., Sturrock, A., & Maidment, I. (in press). INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol

The last decades have witnessed a series of initiatives in the United Kingdom (UK) to enhance patient access to quality care including access to medicine without compromising patient’s safety. Pharmacist independent prescribing is one o... Read More about INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol.