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What active engagement with my community taught me about driving professional scholarship (2025)
Book Chapter
Fallin, L. (in press). What active engagement with my community taught me about driving professional scholarship. In A. Syska, C. Buckley, G. Sedghi, & N. Grayson (Eds.), Transformative Practice in Higher Education Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning. Routledge.

Professional associations and learned societies are valuable resources, offering third space practitioners networking, connection, support, and scholarly opportunities. External pressures, however, often limit the time available for professional scho... Read More about What active engagement with my community taught me about driving professional scholarship.

Beyond Decline: Heathland and the Dynamics of Cultural and Environmental Change in Bronze Age Orkney (2025)
Book Chapter
Farrell, M., & Bunting, J. (2025). Beyond Decline: Heathland and the Dynamics of Cultural and Environmental Change in Bronze Age Orkney. In M. Løvschal, & K. Grønneberg (Eds.), A place for the heathlands?: human-heath relations in deep-time and contemporary perspectives. Jutland Archaeological Society

In this paper, we explore how Enlightenment thinking might have influenced environmental archaeological narratives about heathland development, and human interactions with heathlands, using Orkney as a case study. The archaeological record of Orkney... Read More about Beyond Decline: Heathland and the Dynamics of Cultural and Environmental Change in Bronze Age Orkney.

Doing qualitative data analysis (2025)
Book Chapter
Ives, B., Clayton, B., Gale, L., Holdom, T., & Nichol, A. (2025). Doing qualitative data analysis. In L. Nelson, R. Groom, & P. Potrac (Eds.), Research Methods in Sports Coaching (245-253). (2nd edition). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This chapter discusses how to analyse, make sense of, and write up qualitative data in sport coaching research. It starts by introducing qualitative data analysis, its overarching goal, and different forms of analysis used in sport coaching research.... Read More about Doing qualitative data analysis.

Torrefaction, carbonization and pyrolysis: Valorising woody wastes towards energy generation via solid biofuels production. (2025)
Book Chapter
Skoulou, V., & Arcelus-Arillagha, P. (2025). Torrefaction, carbonization and pyrolysis: Valorising woody wastes towards energy generation via solid biofuels production. In B. Török (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Green Chemistry (39). (Elsevier). Elsevier

To align with international policies regarding climate change, resource efficiency and environmental protection when using woody biomass wastes for energy generation, wastes need upgrading to acquire better characteristics as energy carriers. In this... Read More about Torrefaction, carbonization and pyrolysis: Valorising woody wastes towards energy generation via solid biofuels production..

‘To novels and plays not inclined’: Patrick and Maria Brontë and the Arts (2024)
Book Chapter
Sanders, V. (2024). ‘To novels and plays not inclined’: Patrick and Maria Brontë and the Arts. In A. K. Regis, & D. Wynne (Eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to the Brontës and the Arts. Edinburgh University Press

The Brontë family produced and consumed art across a range of media and genres. Haworth Parsonage and the local region proved a crucible of inspiration not only for Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne, but also for their parents. Here were fostered t... Read More about ‘To novels and plays not inclined’: Patrick and Maria Brontë and the Arts.

The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law (2024)
Book Chapter
Nsoh, W., & Muzan, M. (2024). The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law. In R. C. Brears, & J. Lindley (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on Environmental Policy and Law. Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature).

Ecological restoration has only become legal as an international environmental law (IEL) obligation within the last half-century. However, the practice of ecological restoration is not an entirely new phenomenon historically. The evolution of the int... Read More about The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law.

From third space professional to first-generation academic: Navigating new identities (2024)
Book Chapter
Fallin, L. (2024). From third space professional to first-generation academic: Navigating new identities. In D. Conrad, & W. Archer (Eds.), Portraits of Academic Life in Higher Education: From Hiring to Retiring (216-229). Brill Academic Publishers.

This chapter reflects on my transition from fresh graduate, student union bureaucrat, learning developer, and then to my first academic role as a Lecturer in Education Studies. I like to think of this as a story of perseverance, hard work and perhaps... Read More about From third space professional to first-generation academic: Navigating new identities.

The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse (2024)
Book Chapter
Green, S., & Heys, A. (2024). The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse. In M. Krambia Kapardis, C. Clark, A. Warria, & M. Dion (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery (359-380). Palgrave Macmillan.

Victims of modern slavery are poorly understood and badly counted. This is because modern slavery is a vague, contested and largely invisible crime. When it does reach the political and public conscience it is usually in the context of illegal migrat... Read More about The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse.

Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria (2024)
Book Chapter
Newsholme, A., Deutz, P., Baumgartner, R., & Affolderbach, J. (2024). Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria. In S. Bourdin, A. Torre, & E. van Leeuwen (Eds.), Cities, Regions and the Circular Economy: Theory and Practice (141-162). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Limited attention has been paid to considering how potentially conflicting interests of place-based authorities and firms might impact on the ability of a place to attract and retain benefits from circular economy activity. This chapter analyses the... Read More about Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria.

Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses) (2024)
Book Chapter
Menezes, I., de Andrade, J., Barbosa, F., & Borges-Andrade, J. (2024). Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses). In A. B. Soares, M. C. Monteiro, M. E. de Melo Jardim, R. Ribeiro, & C. A. Cobellas de Medeiros (Eds.), Metodologia Quantitativa:Técnicas e Exemplos de Pesquisa (63-85). Appris Editora

Empirical evidence-based practice has increasingly become a requirement in professional settings. Within this context, psychological research plays a pivotal role in society, providing insights that guide psychologists across various domains. These f... Read More about Estudo das relações entre variáveis segundo análises de moderação e mediação (Examining relationships between variables through moderation and mediation analyses).

Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence (2024)
Book Chapter
Velentza, K. (2024). Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence. In A. Landskron (Ed.), Hergestellt und aufgestellt – Keryx 12 Produktionsdynamiken und Kontexte römischer Skulpturen im antiken Mittelmeerraum (41-66). Uni-Press Graz

From the sixteenth century onwards, hundreds of ancient sculptures have been discovered in the waters of the Mediterranean from the context of shipwrecks, potential unrecorded shipwrecks, or out of context as isolated finds. Scholars have so far ana... Read More about Sculptures lost at sea: A study of the maritime transport and trade of sculptures during Roman times through shipwreck evidence.

Recent Advancements in the Use of Olive Products for Biotechnological Processes (2024)
Book Chapter
Efthimiou, G. (2024). Recent Advancements in the Use of Olive Products for Biotechnological Processes. In V. Lagouri (Ed.), Olives and Olive Related Products - Innovations in Production and Processing (1-8). IntechOpen.

This chapter discusses the most recent applications of olive-derived materials in biotechnology, agriculture and food technology. Although the high-quality olive oil is usually destined for human consumption, lower oil grades or waste materials from... Read More about Recent Advancements in the Use of Olive Products for Biotechnological Processes.

The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith (2024)
Book Chapter
Fear, C. (2024). The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith. In D. Pitt, & P. Blond (Eds.), The Post-liberal Turn and The Future of British Conservatism (61-76). Ludovika University Press

Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations (2024)
Book Chapter
Brown, S., & Marsh-Davies, K. (2024). Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations. In V. Porritt, L. Hannay, & N. Hilton (Eds.), Disruptive Women: A WomenEd Guide to Equitable Action in Education. Corwin Press

•There is currently a global teacher recruitment and retention crisis which includes losing experienced and talented women teachers in mid-life.
•Menopause is a normal life stage usually impacting on women in mid-life. We acknowledge that trans and... Read More about Menopause and Flexible Working: Starting Conversations.

Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences (2024)
Book Chapter
Marciniak, D. (2024). Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences. In M. Avis, D. Marciniak, & M. Sapignoli (Eds.), States of Surveillance. Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice (143-163). Routledge.

Described interchangeably as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data, recent years have seen an increasing move towards the use of automated forms of data analysis and scoring mobilised to reorganise and “improve” policing. One f... Read More about Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences.

Postscript (2024)
Book Chapter
Howard, V., & Alfred, L. (2024). Postscript. In V. Howard, & L. Alfred (Eds.), Formulation in Mental Health Nursing (189-197). Palgrave Macmillan.

Each chapter of this book has highlighted different perspectives of what the human experience of distress might look like. It has also gone some way towards exploring equally varied means of understanding individual distress and leaning on formulatio... Read More about Postscript.

Practitioner Reflections on the Use of Formulation in Mental Health Nursing Practice (2024)
Book Chapter
Howard, V., Peirson, J., Gideon, M., & Martin, M. (2024). Practitioner Reflections on the Use of Formulation in Mental Health Nursing Practice. In V. Howard, & L. Alfred (Eds.), Formulation in Mental Health Nursing (161-188). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter will present and examine mental health care professionals’ involvement in formulation and views focused on mental health nurses’ roles in formulation practice. Beginning with student mental health nurses’ excerpts from three students’ re... Read More about Practitioner Reflections on the Use of Formulation in Mental Health Nursing Practice.

Perspectives on Formulation Within Current Mental Health Nursing Practice (2024)
Book Chapter
Howard, V., & Alfred, L. (2024). Perspectives on Formulation Within Current Mental Health Nursing Practice. In V. Howard, & L. Alfred (Eds.), Formulation in Mental Health Nursing (27-50). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter will draw together some of the current considerations around using formulation within mental health nursing practice. It will begin by identifying the literature currently available to us which involves mental health nursing professional... Read More about Perspectives on Formulation Within Current Mental Health Nursing Practice.

Formulating Interpersonal Conflict, Relationship Factors and Abuse (2024)
Book Chapter
Howard, V., Adan, A., & Marlow, N. (2024). Formulating Interpersonal Conflict, Relationship Factors and Abuse. In V. Howard, & L. Alfred (Eds.), Formulation in Mental Health Nursing (97-118). Palgrave Macmillan.

Relationships and how we navigate through them in our lives can have an overwhelming impact on our wellbeing, behaviours and outlooks. This chapter will examine in particular how detrimental relationships through family members, partners, care givers... Read More about Formulating Interpersonal Conflict, Relationship Factors and Abuse.

Understanding Human Distress and an Invitation to Explore the Myriads of Formulation (2024)
Book Chapter
Howard, V., & Alfred, L. (2024). Understanding Human Distress and an Invitation to Explore the Myriads of Formulation. In V. Howard, & L. Alfred (Eds.), Formulation in Mental Health Nursing (1-25). Palgrave Macmillan.

Welcome to Chap. 1 which focuses on introducing the key sources of underpinning concepts in developing formulation approaches in mental health nursing. These will be further explored and illustrated through the real-life accounts within subsequent ch... Read More about Understanding Human Distress and an Invitation to Explore the Myriads of Formulation.