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Project complexity for the uninitiated (2016)
Book Chapter
Gul, S., & Williams, T. (2016). Project complexity for the uninitiated. In Y. Raydugin (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Leveraging Risk and Uncertainties for Effective Project Management (202-219). IGI Global.

© 2017, IGI Global. Complexity is a difficult concept to grasp. This chapter aims to provide a quick but thorough overview of the field of complexity for those project professionals and researchers who are interested in working with complex systems.... Read More about Project complexity for the uninitiated.

The Evolution of the Industry Structure (2016)
Book Chapter
Pearson, R. (2017). The Evolution of the Industry Structure. In G. Jones, & N.-V. Haueter (Eds.), Managing Risk in Reinsurance: From City Fires to Global Warming (70-91). Oxford University Press.

Chapter 3 provides a historical overview of the reinsurance market and business development since its earliest days. It covers not only dedicated reinsurers but also other market participants, such as brokers and first insurers’ risk sharing through... Read More about The Evolution of the Industry Structure.

Jihad online: How do terrorists use the internet? (2016)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2017). Jihad online: How do terrorists use the internet?. In Media and Metamedia Management (55-66). Springer.

Terrorism is designed to attract attention to the terrorist’s cause and to spread fear and anxiety among wide circles of the targeted population. This paper provides information about the ways terrorists are using the Internet. The threat of terroris... Read More about Jihad online: How do terrorists use the internet?.

Popular Fiction in Performance: Gaskell, Collins and Stevenson on Stage (2016)
Book Chapter
Wynne, C. (2016). Popular Fiction in Performance: Gaskell, Collins and Stevenson on Stage. In K. Gelder (Ed.), New directions in popular fiction: Genre, distribution, reproduction (327-348). Palgrave Macmillan.

‘In dramatising a novel, there are many advantages but many difficulties’, notes Bram Stoker, the theatre critic for Dublin’s Evening Mail, after viewing Wilkie Collins’s adaptation of The Woman in White (1860) at Dublin’s Theatre Royal in April 1872... Read More about Popular Fiction in Performance: Gaskell, Collins and Stevenson on Stage.

Denise Mina’s Garnethill trilogy: Feminist crime fiction at the millennium (2016)
Book Chapter
Vanacker, S. (2016). Denise Mina’s Garnethill trilogy: Feminist crime fiction at the millennium. In K. Gelder (Ed.), New directions in popular fiction: Genre, distribution, reproduction (223-238). Palgrave Macmillan.

Appearing in the late 1970s, feminist crime fiction arose out of a distinctive social context, the political, social and cultural sea change brought about by the second feminist wave. As Maureen Reddy suggests, ‘[f]eminist literary criticism, feminis... Read More about Denise Mina’s Garnethill trilogy: Feminist crime fiction at the millennium.

Environmental NGOs: pushing for leadership (2016)
Book Chapter
Connelly, J., & Wurzel, R. (2016). Environmental NGOs: pushing for leadership. In R. K. Wurzel, J. Connelly, & D. Liefferink (Eds.), The European Union in International Climate Change Politics: Still Taking a Lead? (221-236). Routledge

Surprisingly little scholarly attention has been paid to the role which environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) have played in EU climate change politics, although there are exceptions (e.g. Long et al. 2002; Wurzel and Connelly 2011a; S... Read More about Environmental NGOs: pushing for leadership.

Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability (2016)
Book Chapter
Burke, C., Scurry, T., Blenkinsopp, J., & Graley, K. (2016). Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability. In M. Tomlinson, & L. Holmes (Eds.), Graduate employability in context: Theory, research and debate (87-107). Palgrave Macmillan.

Fundamental changes in the nature of UK Higher Education have led to an increased emphasis on the notion of Higher Education (HE) investment ‘paying off’ for individuals and society with graduate labour market outcomes increasingly being used to eval... Read More about Critical Perspectives on Graduate Employability.

Contesting the memory of Frank Beyer’s "Jacob the liar" (2016)
Book Chapter
Ward, E. M. (2016). Contesting the memory of Frank Beyer’s "Jacob the liar". In D. M. Seymour, & M. Camino (Eds.), The Holocaust in the Twenty-First Century: Contesting/Contested Memories (163-181). Routledge.

In August 1992, the final curtain fell on East German filmmaking. Established in 1946, three years before the founding of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) under the auspices of the Soviet Union, the state-sponsored film studio Deutsche Film-Aktie... Read More about Contesting the memory of Frank Beyer’s "Jacob the liar".

Participation, recognition and political space (2016)
Book Chapter
Conroy, C. (2016). Participation, recognition and political space. In A. Harpin, & H. Nicholson (Eds.), Performance and Participation: Practices, Audiences, Politics (82-102). Palgrave Macmillan

The Geraldines and the Conquest of Ireland (2016)
Book Chapter
Veach, C. (2016). The Geraldines and the Conquest of Ireland. In P. Crooks, & S. Duffy (Eds.), The Geraldines and Medieval Ireland: The Making of a Myth (69-92). Four Courts Press

The continuing vitality of UNCLOS (2016)
Book Chapter
Barnes, R. (2016). The continuing vitality of UNCLOS. In J. Barrett, & R. Barnes (Eds.), Law of the sea: UNCLOS as a living treaty (459). British Institute of International and Comparative Law