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Turnier und Kulturtransfer: Das Carrousel Friedrichs II. von Preußen und die Neudefinition königlicher “Größe“ im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (2014)
Book Chapter
Biskup, T. (2014). Turnier und Kulturtransfer: Das Carrousel Friedrichs II. von Preußen und die Neudefinition königlicher “Größe“ im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. In M. Wrede (Ed.), Die Inszenierung der heroischen Monarchie. Frühneuzeitliches Königtum zwischen ritterlichem Erbe und militärischer Herausforderung (287-316). De Gruyter Oldenberg.

Artificial multicellular assemblies from cells interfaced with polymers and nanomaterials (2014)
Book Chapter
Das, A. A., Fakhrullin, R. F., & Paunov, V. N. (2014). Artificial multicellular assemblies from cells interfaced with polymers and nanomaterials. In R. Fakhrullin, I. Choi, & Y. Lvov (Eds.), Cell surface engineering: fabrication of functional nanoshells (162-184). Royal Society of Chemistry.

In this chapter we review the recent developments in fabrication of multicellular assemblies from cells modified with polymers and nanomaterials. We focus on the specific properties of such “cyborg” cells that allow a variety of new methods to be use... Read More about Artificial multicellular assemblies from cells interfaced with polymers and nanomaterials.

Heuristics for expressive performance (2014)
Book Chapter
Prior, H., & Leech-Wilkinson, D. (2014). Heuristics for expressive performance. In R. Timmers, D. Fabian, & E. Schubert (Eds.), Expressiveness in musical performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures. Oxford University Press.

This chapter discusses concepts and terms that professional musicians find useful in preparing for and talking and thinking about expressive performance. An example is “shape,” which, as recent research has shown, is immensely flexible and useful for... Read More about Heuristics for expressive performance.

Technology-enhanced learning in higher education: Tribes and territories (2014)
Book Chapter
Gordon, N., & Brayshaw, M. (2014). Technology-enhanced learning in higher education: Tribes and territories. In V. Zuzevičiūtė, E. Butrimė, D. Vitkutė-Adžgauskienė, V. V. Fomin, & K. Kikis-Papadakis (Eds.), E-Learning as a Socio-Cultural System: A Multidimensional Analysis (224-236). IGI Global.

© 2014 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. This chapter explores issues that affect the uptake and integration of Technology in Higher Education, developing a framework to overcome some of the barriers. Technological adoption varies across discipline... Read More about Technology-enhanced learning in higher education: Tribes and territories.

Large igneous provinces and mass extinctions: an update (2014)
Book Chapter
Bond, D. P. G., & Wignall, P. B. (2014). Large igneous provinces and mass extinctions: an update. In Geological Society of America Special Papers (29-55). Geological Society of America.

The temporal link between mass extinctions and large igneous provinces is well known. Here, we examine this link by focusing on the potential climatic effects of large igneous province eruptions during several extinction crises that show the best cor... Read More about Large igneous provinces and mass extinctions: an update.

Progressivism and Native American Self-Expression in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth century (2014)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2014). Progressivism and Native American Self-Expression in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth century. In G. D. Smithers, & B. N. Newman (Eds.), Native Diasporas: Indigenous Identities and Setller Colonialism in North America (273-296). University of Nebraska Press

This book chapter opens a broad and rewarding analytical window into late nineteenth and early twentieth century identity struggles by introducing the idea of equalling Native American Indian persistence with Native American Indian resistence.

Performance (2014)
Book Chapter
King, E. (2014). Performance. In Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An encyclopedia. SAGE Publications

The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An analysis (2014)
Book Chapter
Shah, N. A. (2014). The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An analysis. In M. A. Baderin (Ed.), Islamic Law in Practice Volume III (428-438). Routledge.

© 2014 Mashood A. Baderin. This note argues that the 1979 Hudood laws of Pakistan, especially the Zina Ordinance were discriminatory and led to the violations of rights of men and women, but women were the hardest hit victims. The new legislation in... Read More about The 2006 Women Protection Act of Pakistan: An analysis.

Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games (2014)
Book Chapter
Mitchell, H. (2014). Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games. In The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio. The University of Hull.

Game audio has come a long way since the simple electronic beeps of the early 1970s, when significant technical constraints governed the scope of creative possibilities. Recent years have witnessed technological advancements on an unprecedented scale... Read More about Let's mix it up: interviews exploring the practical and technical challenges of interactive mixing in games.

On shelf availability in UK retailing (2014)
Book Chapter
Fernie, J., & Grant, D. (2014). On shelf availability in UK retailing. In J. Fernie, & L. Sparks (Eds.), Logistics and retail management: Emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain (179-204). (4th). Kogan Page

Slavery and the causes of the American revolution in plantation British America (2014)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2014). Slavery and the causes of the American revolution in plantation British America. In A. Shankman (Ed.), The World of the Revolutionary American Republic : Land, Labor, and the Conflict for a Continent (54-76). Routledge.

Only a minority of British American colonies joined Massachusetts in revolt against Britain in July 1776. Depending on how you count colonies, there were either 27 or 31 colonies in British America when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Indep... Read More about Slavery and the causes of the American revolution in plantation British America.

Flow measurement around organisms and surrogates (2014)
Book Chapter
Thomas, R. E., McLelland, S. J., Eiff, O., & Parsons, D. R. (2014). Flow measurement around organisms and surrogates. In L. Frostick, R. Thomas, M. Johnson, S. Rice, & S. McLelland (Eds.), Users Guide to Ecohydraulic Modelling and Experimentation: Experience of the Ecohydraulic Research Team (PISCES) of the HYDRALAB Network (43-74). CRC Press.

This chapter reviews methods of measuring turbulent fluid flowing through and around flora and fauna. It begins with a discussion of the relevant aspects of the nature of turbulent flows and highlights difficulties associated with their measurement.... Read More about Flow measurement around organisms and surrogates.

Plants, hydraulics and sediment dynamics (2014)
Book Chapter
Paul, M., Thomas, R. E., Dijkstra, J. T., Penning, W. E., & Vousdoukas, M. I. (2014). Plants, hydraulics and sediment dynamics. In L. Frostick, R. Thomas, M. Johnson, S. Rice, & S. McLelland (Eds.), Users Guide to Ecohydraulic Modelling and Experimentation: Experience of the Ecohydraulic Research Team (PISCES) of the HYDRALAB Network (91-116). CRC Press.

Most studies on coastal and fluvial hydro-and morpho-dynamics have focused on flow properties and their interactions with sediments. However, it has long been accepted that vegetation is also an important factor that can affect the flow in, and the m... Read More about Plants, hydraulics and sediment dynamics.