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All Outputs (3540)

Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events (2025)
Papachristofi, V. (2025). Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

The modern environment in which we live is replete with chemicals that have accumulated to levels that have been proposed to impact various aspects of physiology. The impact of a selection of these environmental contaminants on the physiology of earl... Read More about Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events.

Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A (2025)
Ssemmondo, E. (2025). Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Patients living with chronic endocrine conditions experience a burden of disease which affects their quality of life compared to healthy controls. In people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this may be due to micro or macrovascul... Read More about Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A.

Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory (2024)
Durnin, A. (2024). Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Modern head-mounted display virtual reality (HMD-VR) is used to present immersive virtual environments which reduce external distractions during research. Working memory load (WML) is commonly measured using electroencephalography (EEG), which non-in... Read More about Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory.

Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies (2024)
Hill, C. A. (2024). Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There used to be limited knowledge on how wounds heal in response to clinical treatments, therefore therapies were often ineffective, causing a need to heal the wounds that failed to respond to treatment (Gregor et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2014). Dev... Read More about Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies.

Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions (2024)
Cragg, B. (2024). Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review examined the possible key factors that put individuals more at risk of returning to hospital repeatedly, in relation to alcohol wit... Read More about Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions.

Study of hydrogen liquefaction process through modelling and simulation (2024)
Ahmad, A. (2024). Study of hydrogen liquefaction process through modelling and simulation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Hydrogen is viewed as a promising alternative energy source to reduce dependence on conventional fuels, helping to tackle issues such as environmental challenges (climate changes) coming especially from the energy sector. Storing and delivering hydro... Read More about Study of hydrogen liquefaction process through modelling and simulation.

What does ALSPAC data tell us about the relationship between physical activity, alcohol consumption and psychosocial health in adolescents? (2024)
Codling, S. (2024). What does ALSPAC data tell us about the relationship between physical activity, alcohol consumption and psychosocial health in adolescents?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The study aim was to investigate the connection between early to mid-adolescent alcohol consumption and physical activity. Two models of association were identified, from a critical review of 30 studies on European adolescents aged between 11-17 year... Read More about What does ALSPAC data tell us about the relationship between physical activity, alcohol consumption and psychosocial health in adolescents?.

Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System (2024)
Li, Y. (2024). Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System. (Thesis). University of Hull.

With the increasing challenges of climate change, carbon reduction and carbon neutrality are raising great attention from countries around the world. In the increasing global primary energy consumption, building heating takes up around 48% proportion... Read More about Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System.

Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion (2024)
Cheung-Cook, T. (2024). Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
Part One is a systematic review of the literature regarding social rank changes following compassion-based interventions. This review contributes to the evidence su... Read More about Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion.

Understanding experiences of strengths and wellbeing in young-onset dementia (2024)
Hutchinson, L. (2024). Understanding experiences of strengths and wellbeing in young-onset dementia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
This systematic literature review and thematic synthesis purposefully explored accounts of positive experiences and attributes within literature of the subjective e... Read More about Understanding experiences of strengths and wellbeing in young-onset dementia.

Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions (2024)
Tunstall, L. (2024). Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and appendices. This thesis aims to explore the systemic factors in compassionate healthcare, namely predictors of submissive compassion and healthcare s... Read More about Systemic factors in compassionate healthcare: predictors and organisational interventions.

Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury (2024)
Reddy, A. (2024). Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury. (Thesis). University Of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored whether social support facilitated post-traumatic growth (PTG) following an acquired brain injury (ABI). Eleven studies we... Read More about Post-traumatic Growth Following an Acquired Brain Injury.

This New Part of Me: Psychological Outcomes and Experiences Following Stoma Surgery (2024)
Palmer, M. (2024). This New Part of Me: Psychological Outcomes and Experiences Following Stoma Surgery. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The portfolio thesis is composed of three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and appendices. This thesis aims to explore psychological outcomes following stoma surgery.
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic l... Read More about This New Part of Me: Psychological Outcomes and Experiences Following Stoma Surgery.

Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration (2024)
Robson, K. (2024). Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Today's university students are pivotal to the future of our societies, professions, and families, making their psychological wellbeing a significant public health concern attracting interest from researchers and policy makers alike. The sociodemogra... Read More about Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration.

Exploring the Experiences of Family Caregivers who Support an Individual with a Learning Disability who Engages in Behaviours of Concern (2024)
Barber, C. (2024). Exploring the Experiences of Family Caregivers who Support an Individual with a Learning Disability who Engages in Behaviours of Concern. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Part One: Systematic Literature Review
Part one is a systematic review of the literature that explores the experiences of family caregivers who support individuals with intellectual disabilities who display behaviours of concern, with a focus on car... Read More about Exploring the Experiences of Family Caregivers who Support an Individual with a Learning Disability who Engages in Behaviours of Concern.

“You’re firefighting”: The experience of vicarious trauma and vicarious post-traumatic growth in psychological professionals. (2024)
West, B. (2024). “You’re firefighting”: The experience of vicarious trauma and vicarious post-traumatic growth in psychological professionals. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical paper, and appendices.
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored the vicarious trauma coping facilitators of psycholog... Read More about “You’re firefighting”: The experience of vicarious trauma and vicarious post-traumatic growth in psychological professionals..

Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer (2024)
Revell, K. (2024). Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored women’s experiences of shared decision-making for breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. Following a systematic sea... Read More about Exploring resilience in decision making for breast reconstruction in women with breast cancer.

Human Brain Responses to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Using Electroencephalography (2024)
Aksoy, M. (2024). Human Brain Responses to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Using Electroencephalography. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The utilisation of brain monitoring methods in the field of neuroscience provides an opportunity to go beyond subjective data collection methods such as questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews. Using these monitoring methods allows researchers i... Read More about Human Brain Responses to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Using Electroencephalography.

Supporting farmers in agro-ecological transition: a systems perspective of farmer experimentation in regenerative grazing in Wales (2024)
Moore, F. Supporting farmers in agro-ecological transition: a systems perspective of farmer experimentation in regenerative grazing in Wales. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Since the 1950s (post World War II), the intensification of farming has eroded the natural capital base underpinning it; resulting in declining soil health, biodiversity loss, and the depleted nutrient density of food. Regenerative farming offers a w... Read More about Supporting farmers in agro-ecological transition: a systems perspective of farmer experimentation in regenerative grazing in Wales.

Procedural justice and the right to a fair trial in Pakistan (2024)
Abbas, M. (2024). Procedural justice and the right to a fair trial in Pakistan. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The study examines how the current tapestry of procedural justice in Pakistan is contrary to the principles of fair trial, as envisaged by Article 10-A of the Constitution of Pakistan, read with Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and P... Read More about Procedural justice and the right to a fair trial in Pakistan.