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From tropical coral reefs to high latitude coral communities: insights into population dynamics along environmental gradients (2025)
Chong, F. (2025). From tropical coral reefs to high latitude coral communities: insights into population dynamics along environmental gradients. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Anthropogenic climate change affects coral communities globally, exposing them to increasingly frequent disturbances. Thermal stress events might differentially compromise the recovery capacity of coral taxa across biogeographic scales. While changes... Read More about From tropical coral reefs to high latitude coral communities: insights into population dynamics along environmental gradients.

Life Beyond Olympic Sport: A Foucauldian Examination of Olympians’ Experiences and Coaches’ Perspectives of Athletic Retirement (2025)
Boardman, N. (2025). Life Beyond Olympic Sport: A Foucauldian Examination of Olympians’ Experiences and Coaches’ Perspectives of Athletic Retirement. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Olympic project is built upon modernist foundations. Olympic sport cultures across the world have been shaped by modernist, neoliberal discourses that emphasise the importance of athlete control and performance. In recent years, reports by NGBs,... Read More about Life Beyond Olympic Sport: A Foucauldian Examination of Olympians’ Experiences and Coaches’ Perspectives of Athletic Retirement.

Customer-centricity, resilience and flexibility in the legal services sector (2025)
Pepperell, B. (2025). Customer-centricity, resilience and flexibility in the legal services sector. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The aim of this thesis is to identify and investigate the disconnect between contemporary client expectations and law firms’ current ability to deliver on those expectations, in the context of a chronically underfunded justice system.
It goes on to... Read More about Customer-centricity, resilience and flexibility in the legal services sector.

An exploration of Chinese Doctoral Student’s motivations and expectations of studying in the UK. (2025)
Liu, J. (2025). An exploration of Chinese Doctoral Student’s motivations and expectations of studying in the UK. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This qualitative research study delves into the perceived impact of UK doctoral programmes on Chinese doctoral students (CDS), aiming to elucidate their motivations, experiences, and expectations throughout their academic journey. Focused on understa... Read More about An exploration of Chinese Doctoral Student’s motivations and expectations of studying in the UK..

Exploring the Experiences of Neurologists and Patients Undergoing the Diagnostic Journey for Functional Neurological Disorder (2025)
Waring, R. (2025). Exploring the Experiences of Neurologists and Patients Undergoing the Diagnostic Journey for Functional Neurological Disorder. (Thesis). The University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
Background: Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a distressing condition with no confirmed cause. There are approximately 8000 new cases in the UK alone per ye... Read More about Exploring the Experiences of Neurologists and Patients Undergoing the Diagnostic Journey for Functional Neurological Disorder.

Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events (2025)
Papachristofi, V. (2025). Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

The modern environment in which we live is replete with chemicals that have accumulated to levels that have been proposed to impact various aspects of physiology. The impact of a selection of these environmental contaminants on the physiology of earl... Read More about Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events.

The Creation of 3D Thyroid Models to Investigate the Effects of Sorafenib on Thyroid Tumour Tissue (2025)
Golebiewski, P. (2025). The Creation of 3D Thyroid Models to Investigate the Effects of Sorafenib on Thyroid Tumour Tissue. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common endocrine malignancy globally. While surgery and radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy generally yield favourable outcomes, prognosis worsens in RAI-refractory or resistant cases, highlighting the need for alternativ... Read More about The Creation of 3D Thyroid Models to Investigate the Effects of Sorafenib on Thyroid Tumour Tissue.

Sediment transport in turbidity currents: internal structure and flow energetics (2025)
Fukuda, S. (2025). Sediment transport in turbidity currents: internal structure and flow energetics. (Thesis). university of hull.

This project investigates the material-transport dynamics of natural-scale turbidity currents. The sediment-laden gravity-driven flows are a dominant control on the sediment transport between continents and deep marine systems. The resulting sediment... Read More about Sediment transport in turbidity currents: internal structure and flow energetics.

Modelling the Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Evolution of a Mega- Delta (2025)
Le, Q. Q. (2025). Modelling the Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Evolution of a Mega- Delta. (Thesis). University of Hull.

River deltas provide ecosystem services that are vital to the world's population, supporting both lives and livelihoods. However, these low-lying areas face heightened vulnerability to the effects of climate change. This is intensified by local resou... Read More about Modelling the Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances on the Evolution of a Mega- Delta.

The Humber Outport: Lloyd’s Register in the Port of Hull since c.1760. (2025)
Wright, S. (2025). The Humber Outport: Lloyd’s Register in the Port of Hull since c.1760. (Thesis). University of Hull.

For over 260 years, Lloyd’s Register has worked to preserve life and property at sea. Throughout that time, the Society has maintained an active presence in its outports, one being Hull. By taking the uncharted connections between Lloyd’s Register an... Read More about The Humber Outport: Lloyd’s Register in the Port of Hull since c.1760..

Talent Management and Talent Retention in SMEs in Emerging Markets: A case study of the Nigerian context (2025)
Nwaigwe, M. C. (2025). Talent Management and Talent Retention in SMEs in Emerging Markets: A case study of the Nigerian context. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Talent Management (TM) is a new field of study within the Nigerian context, particularly among SMEs. As with other management disciplines, TM is intrinsically linked to the environment in which businesses operate, making the Nigerian national context... Read More about Talent Management and Talent Retention in SMEs in Emerging Markets: A case study of the Nigerian context.

Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A (2025)
Ssemmondo, E. (2025). Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Patients living with chronic endocrine conditions experience a burden of disease which affects their quality of life compared to healthy controls. In people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this may be due to micro or macrovascul... Read More about Interventions to improve the quality of life in patients living with endocrine conditions A.

Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory (2024)
Durnin, A. (2024). Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Modern head-mounted display virtual reality (HMD-VR) is used to present immersive virtual environments which reduce external distractions during research. Working memory load (WML) is commonly measured using electroencephalography (EEG), which non-in... Read More about Combined Head-Mounted Display Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography in the Study of Working Memory.

Cognition and skill learning in single leg loading: the role of augmented visual feedback on motor control performance  (2024)
Duke, K. (2024). Cognition and skill learning in single leg loading: the role of augmented visual feedback on motor control performance . (Thesis). University of Hull.

Externally provided visual feedback is often delivered to an individual during an activity to provide information on ‘performance’. These modes of feedback delivery are termed ‘augmented’ as it is externally provided to the user, often through wearab... Read More about Cognition and skill learning in single leg loading: the role of augmented visual feedback on motor control performance .

Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies (2024)
Hill, C. A. (2024). Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There used to be limited knowledge on how wounds heal in response to clinical treatments, therefore therapies were often ineffective, causing a need to heal the wounds that failed to respond to treatment (Gregor et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2014). Dev... Read More about Advanced Wound Care: Working towards standardised test platforms for novel therapies.

Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem (2024)
Manieri, F. (2024). Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The city of Kingston upon Hull, England, has a long history of flooding that has recently been brought back to life thanks to projects such as the Living With Water Initiative and the University of Hull’s Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded R... Read More about Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem.

Petuaria: Finding its Place in Roman Britain (2024)
Farley, J. (2024). Petuaria: Finding its Place in Roman Britain. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The site of Roman occupation under modern Brough on Humber, now identified as Petuaria, has drawn the attention of archaeologists for centuries. Over the course of investigations and writings on the site, there has been a multitude of theories create... Read More about Petuaria: Finding its Place in Roman Britain.

Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem (2024)
Manieri, F. (2024). Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The city of Kingston upon Hull, England, has a long history of flooding that has recently been brought back to life thanks to projects such as the Living With Water Initiative and the University of Hull’s Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded R... Read More about Flooding Through the Twentieth Century: A Hull of a Problem.

Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions (2024)
Cragg, B. (2024). Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review examined the possible key factors that put individuals more at risk of returning to hospital repeatedly, in relation to alcohol wit... Read More about Exploring Alcohol Withdrawal and Frequent Hospital Readmissions.