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All Outputs (19)

The stratigraphy and carbonate environments of the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) in Lincolnshire and parts of Leicestershire (1977)
Ashton, M. The stratigraphy and carbonate environments of the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) in Lincolnshire and parts of Leicestershire. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) of eastern England has been studied from three standpoints: biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy
and environmental analysis. New discoveries and a revision of earlier ammonte finds have permitted a re-as... Read More about The stratigraphy and carbonate environments of the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) in Lincolnshire and parts of Leicestershire.

China and Germany : a study of images and influences of China in German literature (1977)
Read, M. China and Germany : a study of images and influences of China in German literature. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[Introduction]: Whilst the theme of the influence of one culture upon another has always been regarded as a legitimate subject of literary study, that of the image of one culture reflected within the literature of another culture has not. M-F. Guyard... Read More about China and Germany : a study of images and influences of China in German literature.

Comparisons of crop yields using semi-organic and inorganic fertilizers (1977)
Kerr, M. D. Comparisons of crop yields using semi-organic and inorganic fertilizers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

A series of experiments is described in which a semi-organic fertilizer is compared to the more widely used inorganic type. A semi-organic fertilizer contains a base of organic materials to which is added a mixture of inorganic salts to make up a sui... Read More about Comparisons of crop yields using semi-organic and inorganic fertilizers.

Acquisition of advanced vocabulary by five-year-old children : an experimental study (1977)
Farmer, I. M. Acquisition of advanced vocabulary by five-year-old children : an experimental study. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In a series of experiments, 275 five-year-old children were taught the meanings of difficult new words, without the use of referents, pictures or direct definitions. Carefully constructed stories formed the general context in which the local contexts... Read More about Acquisition of advanced vocabulary by five-year-old children : an experimental study.

The boria : A study of a Malay theatre in its socio-cultural context (1977)
Rahmah Azman. The boria : A study of a Malay theatre in its socio-cultural context. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction]:
This thesis is a study of the boria, a popular form of Malay theatrical entertainment. In it I attempt to distinguish significant elements in the boria and analyse them in the context of modern Malaysia. Central to the study... Read More about The boria : A study of a Malay theatre in its socio-cultural context.

Agricultural change in the East Riding of Yorkshire: 1850-1880: an economic and social history (1977)
Adams, M. G. Agricultural change in the East Riding of Yorkshire: 1850-1880: an economic and social history. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Emphasis in this study is primarily economic, examining the nature and scale of technical progress in the East Riding of Yorkshire in the years of high farming, and the ability and willingness of landowners and farmers to invest in land improvement.... Read More about Agricultural change in the East Riding of Yorkshire: 1850-1880: an economic and social history.

The standard of living controversy 1790-1840, with special reference to agricultural labourers in seven English countries (1977)
Richardson, T. L. The standard of living controversy 1790-1840, with special reference to agricultural labourers in seven English countries. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The long-standing controversy over working class standards of living during the early nineteenth century is demonstraably one of the most intractable in our historiography. To a large extent the controversy exists because much of the statistical evid... Read More about The standard of living controversy 1790-1840, with special reference to agricultural labourers in seven English countries.

Factors related to rehabilitation after first acute myocardial infarction (1977)
Kushnir, B. Factors related to rehabilitation after first acute myocardial infarction. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The major objective of this research has been the investigation of associations between aspects of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and a number of psychological factors. The influence of medical, social and occupational factors, was also s... Read More about Factors related to rehabilitation after first acute myocardial infarction.

The private trade of the British in West Sumatra 1735-1770 (1977)
Reber, A. L. The private trade of the British in West Sumatra 1735-1770. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The English East India Company first established a permanent post on the West Coast of Sumatra in 1685, in order to ensure continued supplies of Indonesian pepper after the Dutch had effectively excluded the British from the pepper trade of West Java... Read More about The private trade of the British in West Sumatra 1735-1770.