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Modeling of a homogenous gas-water two phase flow through a Venturi and vertical pipe; (A prediction of pressure drop sign change in two phase flow) (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hasan, A., & Lucas, G. (2007, December). Modeling of a homogenous gas-water two phase flow through a Venturi and vertical pipe; (A prediction of pressure drop sign change in two phase flow). Presented at Proceedings of the Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers’ Conference, Huddersfield

In two phase flow, differential pressures technique can be used to measure the volume fraction of the gas phase. In the
case where no restriction is available in the pipeline, the differential pressure technique can be used only in vertical or
incl... Read More about Modeling of a homogenous gas-water two phase flow through a Venturi and vertical pipe; (A prediction of pressure drop sign change in two phase flow).

Influences on pre-hospital delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a systemic review (2007)
Journal Article
Mitchell, E., Weller, D., Campbell, N. C., Macdonald, S., & Macleod, U. (2008). Influences on pre-hospital delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a systemic review. The British Journal of Cancer, 98(1), 60-70.

Colorectal cancer is a major global health problem, with survival varying according to stage at diagnosis. Delayed diagnosis can result from patient, practitioner or hospital delay. This paper reports the results of a review of the factors influencin... Read More about Influences on pre-hospital delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a systemic review.

Synthesis and structure of pentamethylcyclopentadienyl tungsten(V) complexes containing functionalized 6,12-epiiminodibenzo[b,f][1.5]diazorine ligands (2007)
Journal Article
Redshaw, C., Wood, P. T., & Elsegood, M. R. (2007). Synthesis and structure of pentamethylcyclopentadienyl tungsten(V) complexes containing functionalized 6,12-epiiminodibenzo[b,f][1.5]diazorine ligands. Organometallics, 26(25), 6501-6504.

2-Amino-3,5-dibromobenzaldehyde [3,5-Br2-2-H2NC 6CHO] undergoes a self-condensation reaction in the presence of o- or m-anthranilic acid, affording the novel ligand systems [o- or m-(HO 2C)C6H4(μ3-N)L] (L = [3,5-Br 2-HNC6H2-CH]2). Further interaction... Read More about Synthesis and structure of pentamethylcyclopentadienyl tungsten(V) complexes containing functionalized 6,12-epiiminodibenzo[b,f][1.5]diazorine ligands.

Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets (2007)
Journal Article
Ashton, J. K., & Hudson, R. S. (2008). Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(7), 1393-1403.

This study forwards an explanation and empirical investigation of price clustering in retail banking markets. It is proposed that price or interest rate clustering forms in retail markets as firms wish to maximise returns from customers, some of whom... Read More about Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets.

Population matters in Native America (2007)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2007). Population matters in Native America. In P. D. Davies, & I. Morgan (Eds.), America's Americans: Population issues in U.S. society and politics. Institute of Latin American Studies

Peak wall stress measurement in elective and acute abdominal aortic aneurysms (2007)
Journal Article
Heng, M. S., Fagan, M. J., Collier, J. W., Desai, G., McCollum, P. T., & Chetter, I. C. (2008). Peak wall stress measurement in elective and acute abdominal aortic aneurysms. Journal of vascular surgery, 47(1), 17-22.

Background: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture occurs when wall stress exceeds wall strength. Engineering principles suggest that aneurysm diameter is only one aspect of its geometry that influences wall stress. Finite element analysis considers... Read More about Peak wall stress measurement in elective and acute abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Microglial activation in white matter lesions and nonlesional white matter of ageing brains (2007)
Journal Article
Simpson, J. E., Ince, P. G., Higham, C. E., Gelsthorpe, C. H., Fernando, M. S., Matthews, F., …Wharton, S. B. (2007). Microglial activation in white matter lesions and nonlesional white matter of ageing brains. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 33(6), 670-683.

White matter lesions (WML), a common feature in brain ageing, are classified as periventricular (PVL) or deep subcortical (DSCL), depending on their anatomical location. Microglial activation is implicated in a number of neurodegenerative diseases, b... Read More about Microglial activation in white matter lesions and nonlesional white matter of ageing brains.

Erratum: Prevalence of depression in older people in England and Wales: The MRC CFA Study (Psychological Medicine (2007) DOI: 10.1017/S0033291707000372) (2007)
Journal Article
McDougall, F. A., Kvaal, K., Matthews, F. E., Paykel, E., Jones, P. B., Dewey, M. E., & Brayne, C. (2007). Erratum: Prevalence of depression in older people in England and Wales: The MRC CFA Study (Psychological Medicine (2007) DOI: 10.1017/S0033291707000372). Psychological Medicine, 37(12), 1796.

Leading the teaching and learning: a study of transformational leadership in secondary schools facing challenging circumstances (2007)
Wright, G. (2007). Leading the teaching and learning: a study of transformational leadership in secondary schools facing challenging circumstances. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

This thesis researches headteacher leadership in secondary schools identified as facingchallenging circumstances. It adopts the hypothesis that headteachers with strong transformational leadership behaviours are more effective in raising standards of... Read More about Leading the teaching and learning: a study of transformational leadership in secondary schools facing challenging circumstances.

Neo-liberalism, state power and global governance (2007)
Lee, S., & Mcbride, S. (Eds.). (2007). Neo-liberalism, state power and global governance. Dordrecht: Springer.

The volume explores the relationship between neo-liberalism, state power and global governance. It seeks to show how neo-liberalism has failed to deliver a framework for state power and global governance capable of delivering stability and enduring p... Read More about Neo-liberalism, state power and global governance.

Human welfare and the future of the world trade organization: Rethinking the international institutional architecture (2007)
Book Chapter
Tyler, C. (2007). Human welfare and the future of the world trade organization: Rethinking the international institutional architecture. In S. Lee, & S. Mcbride (Eds.), Neo-Liberalism, State Power and Global Governance (217-230). Springer.

The 2004 report of the Consultative Board to the Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), entitled The Future of the WTO, was bullish regarding the correlation between trade liberalization and human well-being: It is argued by some tha... Read More about Human welfare and the future of the world trade organization: Rethinking the international institutional architecture.

Tradition and change in administrative law: An anglo-german comparison (2007)
Künnecke, M. (2007). Tradition and change in administrative law: An anglo-german comparison. Springer Publishing Company.

Administrative legal systems are based on national constitutional legal traditions and cultural values. English judges have for centuries applied the common law. In Germany, judges have developed administrative legal principles for the protection of... Read More about Tradition and change in administrative law: An anglo-german comparison.

A synchrotron study of Ba5Ta2Cl2O9 (2007)
Journal Article
Barnes, A. D. J., Francesconi, M. G., & Prior, T. J. (2007). A synchrotron study of Ba5Ta2Cl2O9. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications, 63(5), I127 - I128.

The structure of pentabarium ditantalum dichloride nonaoxide, Ba5Ta2Cl2O9, is isotypic with Ba5Ru1.6W0.4Cl2O9 and with one polymorph of Ba5Ru2Cl2O9. It is related to the perovskite structure and shows a ten-layer stacking of BaO3 and BaCl blocks alon... Read More about A synchrotron study of Ba5Ta2Cl2O9.

Treating the hotel like a home: the contribution of studying the single location home/workplace (2007)
Journal Article
Seymour, J. (2007). Treating the hotel like a home: the contribution of studying the single location home/workplace. Sociology, 41(6), 1097-1114.

This article contributes to research on the dynamic of space and social life by examining a comparatively uncommon, configuration; that of the single location home/workplace, It draws on an empirical study of family-run hotels, pubs and boarding hous... Read More about Treating the hotel like a home: the contribution of studying the single location home/workplace.

Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects (2007)
Journal Article
Holloway, L. (2007). Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects. Environment and planning. D, Society & space, 25(6), 1041-1060.

Recent representations of human-animal relationships in farming have tended to focus on human experience, and to essentialise animal subjectivity in granting them a centred subjectivity akin to that assumed to be possessed by humans. Instead, this pa... Read More about Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects.

Discrimination of speaker sex and size when glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length are controlled (2007)
Journal Article
Smith, D. R. R., Walters, T. C., & Patterson, R. D. (2007). Discrimination of speaker sex and size when glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length are controlled. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(6), 3628-3639.

A recent study [Smith and Patterson, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 3177-3186 (2005)] demonstrated that both the glottal-pulse rate (GPR) and the vocal-tract length (VTL) of vowel sounds have a large effect on the perceived sex and age (or size) of a speak... Read More about Discrimination of speaker sex and size when glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length are controlled.

Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier (2007)
Ray, K. (2007). Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier. University of Tennessee Press

During its early years, the frontier region of Middle Tennessee developed from thinly settled outposts to a premier destination for thousands of land-hungry immigrants. The resulting population explosion led to a shift in political power from a small... Read More about Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier.

Ionization in vacuum ultraviolet F2 laser ablated polymer plumes (2007)
Journal Article
Dyer, P. E., Pervolaraki, M., Walton, C. D., Lippert, T., Kuhnke, M., & Wokaun, A. (2008). Ionization in vacuum ultraviolet F2 laser ablated polymer plumes. Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 90(3), 403-409.

An experimental investigation of ion generation in the 157-nm vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) F-2 laser ablation of three selected polymers - glycidyl azide polymer (GAP), a triazene polymer (TP6) and polyimide - is described. An ion collector probe is used... Read More about Ionization in vacuum ultraviolet F2 laser ablated polymer plumes.

A prospective, randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of a fibrin sealant (EVICEL) versus manual compression on hemostatic effectiveness during vascular surgical procedures utilizing polytetrafluoroethylene graft material (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chetter, I. A prospective, randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of a fibrin sealant (EVICEL) versus manual compression on hemostatic effectiveness during vascular surgical procedures utilizing polytetrafluoroethylene graft material

Violence, risk and identity: ‘doing gender’ or negotiation of structural barriers to non-violent alternatives? (2007)
Book Chapter
Laverick, W. (2007). Violence, risk and identity: ‘doing gender’ or negotiation of structural barriers to non-violent alternatives?. In J. S. Jones, & J. Raisborough (Eds.), Risks, Identities and the Everyday (83-98). Ashgate.

We know very little about how people define risk (Tulloch and Lupton 2003, 16). Yet, interest in risk factors contributing to violence continues to be high as professionals search for tools to identify those ‘at-risk’ and seek empirically based interv... Read More about Violence, risk and identity: ‘doing gender’ or negotiation of structural barriers to non-violent alternatives?.