The sensual dynamics of processes of personal reform: desistance from crime and the role of emotions
Book Chapter
Calverley, A., & Farrall, S. (2011). The sensual dynamics of processes of personal reform: desistance from crime and the role of emotions. In S. Karstedt, I. Loader, & H. Strang (Eds.), Emotions, Crime and Justice (81-100). Hart Publishing
All Outputs (928)
Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho (2011)
Journal Article
Ansell, N., van Blerk, L., Hajdu, F., & Robson, E. (2011). Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho. Environment & planning. A, 43(3), 525-544. Africa's AIDS epidemic is profoundly spatially and temporally structured; so too are the lives of the young people whose families it blights. In this paper we draw on qualitative research with AIDS-affected young people in Malawi and Lesotho... Read More about Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time-space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho.
Potential model misspecification bias: formative indicators enhancing theory for accounting researchers (2011)
Journal Article
Rodgers, W., & Guiral, A. (2011). Potential model misspecification bias: formative indicators enhancing theory for accounting researchers. International Journal of Accounting, 46(1), 25-50. paper describes why and when formative factors, in combination with reflective measures, can be used in accounting research to better represent complex theoretical constructs. We argue that the exclusive use of reflective factors constrains theo... Read More about Potential model misspecification bias: formative indicators enhancing theory for accounting researchers.
Book review : Seneca Possessed: Indians, Witchcraft, and Power in the Early American Republic . By Matthew Dennis. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. viii, 313 pp. $45.00, ISBN978-0-8122-4226-3.) (2011)
Journal Article
Porter, J. (2011). Book review : Seneca Possessed: Indians, Witchcraft, and Power in the Early American Republic . By Matthew Dennis. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. viii, 313 pp. $45.00, ISBN978-0-8122-4226-3.). Journal of American history, 97(4), 1117 - 1117.
An exploration of the two-factor schematization of relation meaning and emotions among professional rugby union players (2011)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Levy, A. R., Jones, L., Rengamani, M., & Polman, R. C. (2011). An exploration of the two-factor schematization of relation meaning and emotions among professional rugby union players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 9(1), 78-91. aim of this paper was to explore Lazarus's two-factor schematization of losses and gains and the emotions generated in response to loss (threat and harm) and gain (challenge and benefit) relational meanings. Participants were 10 professional rugb... Read More about An exploration of the two-factor schematization of relation meaning and emotions among professional rugby union players.
Implied Motion Activation in Cortical Area MT Can Be Explained by Visual Low-level Features (2011)
Journal Article
Lorteije, J. A., Jellema, T., Raemaekers, M., Duijnhouwer, J., Barraclough, N. E., Xiao, D., Oram, M. W., Lankheet, M. J., Perrett, D. I., & van Wezel, R. J. (2011). Implied Motion Activation in Cortical Area MT Can Be Explained by Visual Low-level Features. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 23(6), 1533-1548. investigate form-related activity inmotion-sensitive cortical areas, we recorded cell responses to animate implied motion in macaque middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) cortex and investigated these areas using fMRI in humans.... Read More about Implied Motion Activation in Cortical Area MT Can Be Explained by Visual Low-level Features.
Transient ferromagnetic-like state mediating ultrafast reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled spins (2011)
Journal Article
Radu, I., Vahaplar, K., Stamm, C., Kachel, T., Pontius, N., Dürr, H. A., Ostler, T. A., Barker, J., Evans, R. F., Chantrell, R. W., Tsukamoto, A., Itoh, A., Kirilyuk, A., Rasing, T., & Kimel, A. V. (2011). Transient ferromagnetic-like state mediating ultrafast reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled spins. Nature, 472(7342), 205-209. or antiferromagnetic spin ordering is governed by the exchange interaction, the strongest force in magnetism. Understanding spin dynamics in magnetic materials is an issue of crucial importance for progress in information processing and... Read More about Transient ferromagnetic-like state mediating ultrafast reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled spins.
On the shoulders of lemurs: Pinpointing the ecotouristic potential of Madagascar's unique herpetofauna (2011)
Journal Article
Wollenberg, K. C., Jenkins, R. K., Randrianavelona, R., Rampilamanana, R., Ralisata, M., Ramanandraibe, A., Ravoahangimalala, O. R., & Vences, M. (2011). On the shoulders of lemurs: Pinpointing the ecotouristic potential of Madagascar's unique herpetofauna. Journal of Ecotourism, 10(2), 101-117. on 667 tourist interviews in five protected areas (PAs), carried out between January and September 2008, we assessed the ecotouristic potential of Madagascar's amphibians and reptiles compared with that of other components of its unique fauna.... Read More about On the shoulders of lemurs: Pinpointing the ecotouristic potential of Madagascar's unique herpetofauna.
Heteronanojunctions with atomic size control using a lab-on-chip electrochemical approach with integrated microfluidics (2011)
Journal Article
Popa, P. L., Dalmas, G., Faramarzi, V., Dayen, J. F., Majjad, H., Kemp, N. T., & Doudin, B. (2011). Heteronanojunctions with atomic size control using a lab-on-chip electrochemical approach with integrated microfluidics. Nanotechnology, 22(21), 215302. versatile tool for electrochemical fabrication of heteronanojunctions with nanocontacts made of a few atoms and nanogaps of molecular spacing is presented. By integrating microfluidic circuitry in a lab-on-chip approach, we keep control of the elec... Read More about Heteronanojunctions with atomic size control using a lab-on-chip electrochemical approach with integrated microfluidics.
Influence of the contact angle of silica nanoparticles at the air–water interface on the mechanical properties of the layers composed of these particles (2011)
Journal Article
Zang, D., Rio, E., Delon, G., Langevin, D., Wei, B., & Binks, B. (2011). Influence of the contact angle of silica nanoparticles at the air–water interface on the mechanical properties of the layers composed of these particles. Molecular Physics, 109(7-10), 1057-1066. have studied the properties (surface pressure, compression and shear moduli, texture) of silica nanoparticle layers at the air-water interface. Particle hydrophobicity or, equivalently, the contact angle between particles, air and water, is the ma... Read More about Influence of the contact angle of silica nanoparticles at the air–water interface on the mechanical properties of the layers composed of these particles.
Localisation : a case study of Korean companies in the UK (2011)
Byun, H.-Y. Localisation : a case study of Korean companies in the UK. (Thesis). University of Hull. research aims to find ways to enhance understanding of how Korean companies in the UK can improve their market positions through localisation.
The thesis may be divided into three main sections. The first, which consists of chapters 1 and 2, is... Read More about Localisation : a case study of Korean companies in the UK.
The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions (2011)
Journal Article
Dorrell, R. M., Hogg, A. J., Sumner, E. J., & Talling, P. J. (2011). The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 116(F1), interpret the deposits from particle-laden flows it is necessary to understand particle settling at their base. In this paper a quantitative model is developed that not only captures how particles settle out of suspension but also the composition... Read More about The structure of the deposit produced by sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions.
The fecal odor of sick hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) mediates olfactory attraction of the tick Ixodes hexagonus (2011)
Journal Article
Bunnell, T., Hanisch, K., Hardege, J. D., & Breithaupt, T. (2011). The fecal odor of sick hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) mediates olfactory attraction of the tick Ixodes hexagonus. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37(4), 340-347. loads of animals vary among individuals, but the underlying mechanisms have not been fully identified. Here, we investigated whether health status of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) is correlated with tick burden, and whether chemical cues l... Read More about The fecal odor of sick hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) mediates olfactory attraction of the tick Ixodes hexagonus.
Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data (2011)
Journal Article
Liu, H., & Heynderickx, I. (2011). Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 21(7), 971-982. the human visual system (HVS) is the ultimate assessor of image quality, current research on the design of objective image quality metrics tends to include an important feature of the HVS, namely, visual attention. Different metrics for image q... Read More about Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data.
Grain size and topographical differences between static and mobile armour layers (2011)
Journal Article
Mao, L., Cooper, J. R., & Frostick, L. E. (2011). Grain size and topographical differences between static and mobile armour layers. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 36(10), 1321-1334. series of laboratory flume experiments under conditions of sediment starvation (zero sediment feeding) and recirculation were conducted in order to identify the temporal evolution and surface properties of static and mobile armour layers. The exper... Read More about Grain size and topographical differences between static and mobile armour layers.
Maternal investment, life histories, and the costs of brain growth in mammals (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barton, R. A., & Capellini, I. Maternal investment, life histories, and the costs of brain growth in mammalsBrain size variation in mammals correlates with life histories: larger-brained species have longer gestations, mature later, and have increased lifespans. These patterns have been explained in terms of developmental costs (larger brains take longer t... Read More about Maternal investment, life histories, and the costs of brain growth in mammals.
How Great is Britain? Power, responsibility and Britain’s future global role (2011)
Journal Article
Morris, J. (2011). How Great is Britain? Power, responsibility and Britain’s future global role. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 13(3), 326-347. Bull argued that for a state to be classed as a great power it must be in the first rank in terms of military strength but also recognised by others to have, and conceived by its own leaders and peoples to have, certain special rights and duti... Read More about How Great is Britain? Power, responsibility and Britain’s future global role.
Reviews - Johan Bouwer (ed.), Successful Ageing, Spirituality and Meaning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Peeters Publishers, Leuven, Belgium, 2010, 284 pp., pbk €48, ISBN 13: 978 90 429 2268 6. (2011)
Journal Article
Draper, P. (2011). Reviews - Johan Bouwer (ed.), Successful Ageing, Spirituality and Meaning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Peeters Publishers, Leuven, Belgium, 2010, 284 pp., pbk €48, ISBN 13: 978 90 429 2268 6. Ageing and Society, 31(04), 713-714.
Two-dimensional colloidal alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Buzza, D. M. A., & Horozov, T. S. (2011). Two-dimensional colloidal alloys. Physical review letters, 106(12), Article ARTN 128302. study the structure of mixed monolayers of large (3μm diameter) and small (1μm diameter) very hydrophobic silica particles at an octane-water interface as a function of the number fraction of small particles ξ. We find that a rich variety of two-d... Read More about Two-dimensional colloidal alloys.
Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of the response to nitrogen limitation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) (2011)
Journal Article
Lewis, R. A., Shahi, S. K., Laing, E., Bucca, G., Efthimiou, G., Bushell, M., & Smith, C. P. (2011). Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of the response to nitrogen limitation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). BMC research notes, 4(1), Article 78. The present study represents a genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of the response of the model streptomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) M145 to fermentor culture in Modified Evans Media limited, respectively, for nitrogen, phosphate a... Read More about Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of the response to nitrogen limitation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).