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Dr Jon Bolland's Outputs (8)

Ex situ experimentation to determine if introduced artificial habitat can provide alternative refuge to hazardous anthropogenic structures (2024)
Journal Article
Norman, J., Clark, D., Henshaw, A., Wright, R. M., Cattaneo, M. E. G. V., & Bolland, J. D. (2024). Ex situ experimentation to determine if introduced artificial habitat can provide alternative refuge to hazardous anthropogenic structures. Restoration Ecology, Article e14157.

Highly degraded lowland river ecosystems are of global concern to restoration practitioners. Hazardous anthropogenic structures, such as those used for water level management (i.e. pumping stations), present a mortality risk to fish and associated ch... Read More about Ex situ experimentation to determine if introduced artificial habitat can provide alternative refuge to hazardous anthropogenic structures.

Tracking repeat spawning anadromous fish migrations over multiple years in a fragmented river suggests philopatry and sex-linked variation in space use (2024)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Britton, J. R., Andreou, D., Crundwell, C., Dodd, J. R., Lepais, O., Nunn, A. D., Sabatino, S., Velterop, R., & Bolland, J. D. (2024). Tracking repeat spawning anadromous fish migrations over multiple years in a fragmented river suggests philopatry and sex-linked variation in space use. Aquatic sciences, 86(2),

There is limited knowledge of how philopatry influences the spatial ecology of iteroparous anadromous species during their spawning migrations, but this knowledge is important in understanding population responses to interventions such as river recon... Read More about Tracking repeat spawning anadromous fish migrations over multiple years in a fragmented river suggests philopatry and sex-linked variation in space use.

Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers (2024)
Ainsworth, R., Vickers, L., Bolland, J., Harvey, J., Taylor, M., Cowx, I., Noble, R., & Nunn, A. (2024). Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers. [Data].

Long term ecological datasets are valuable in providing context and understanding to complex ecological processes that occur over broad temporal scales, and provide a baseline for analysing change. Monitoring of fish populations in UK waterbodies and... Read More about Two decades of body length measurements in size-structured larval and juvenile fish populations in English rivers.

Inter-annual variation in movements and passage of seaward migrating European eels at a shrouded Archimedean screw pumping station (2024)
Journal Article
Evans, O. J., Carter, L. J., Hutchinson, T., Don, A., Wright, R. M., Baktoft, H., Pauwels, I. S., & Bolland, J. D. (2024). Inter-annual variation in movements and passage of seaward migrating European eels at a shrouded Archimedean screw pumping station. Ecological engineering, 209, Article 107389.

The construction of less damaging (here called fish-friendly) pumping stations has taken place in recent years, but it is unknown if they provide efficient and timely passage to migratory fish, such as European eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)). The pump... Read More about Inter-annual variation in movements and passage of seaward migrating European eels at a shrouded Archimedean screw pumping station.

Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries (2024)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Noble, R. A., Nunn, A. D., Owen, H. M., Moccetti, P., Harvey, J. P., Wallace, L., Gillespie, B., Joyce, D. A., & Bolland, J. D. (online). Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries. Journal of fish biology,

This investigation compared the spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. between reservoirs with (impact; Langsett Reservoir) and without (control; Grimwith Reservoir) barriers to fish movements into headwater tributarie... Read More about Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries.

Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river (2024)
Journal Article
Nolan, E. T., Hindes, A. M., Bolland, J. D., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Tarkan, A. S., & Britton, J. R. (2024). Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river. Hydrobiologia,

Lowland temperate rivers provide important habitats for piscivorous fishes, but with their year-round spatial and temporal habitat use is often poorly understood, including their use of off-channel habitats. Here, the movements and habitat use of the... Read More about Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river.

Genetic consequences of improved river connectivity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) (2024)
Journal Article
Moccetti, P., Dodd, J. R., Joyce, D. A., Nunn, A. D., Gillespie, B., & Bolland, J. D. (2024). Genetic consequences of improved river connectivity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Evolutionary Applications, 17(4), Article e13660.

Fragmentation of watercourses poses a significant threat to biodiversity, particularly for migratory fish species. Mitigation measures such as fishways, have been increasingly implemented to restore river connectivity and support fish migration. The... Read More about Genetic consequences of improved river connectivity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.).

Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters (2024)
Journal Article
Özgül, A., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Abecasis, D., Alós, J., Aarestrup, K., Reubens, J., Bolland, J., Lök, A., Edwards, J. E., Pengal, P., Prchalová, M., Říha, M., Pickholtz, R., Vollset, K. W., Afonso, P., Davidsen, J. G., Arlinghaus, R., Ünal, V., & Lennox, R. J. (2024). Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters. Fisheries Management and Ecology, Article e12706.

Acoustic telemetry (AT) has emerged as a valuable tool for monitoring aquatic animals in both European inland and marine waters over the past two decades. The European Tracking Network (ETN) initiative has played a pivotal role in promoting collabora... Read More about Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters.