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Biography Professor Ian Chetter was appointed as the Professor of Surgery at Hull York Medical School /University of Hull and Honorary Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in February 2011. He qualified from University of Leeds Medical School in 1990, and completed his basic and higher surgical training in Yorkshire. Funded by a Northern and Yorkshire Research Fellowship he obtained MD from the University of Leeds and was awarded a Hunterian Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2000. Following a 12 month Vascular Fellowship in Adelaide, Australia funded by an Ethicon/ Peter Clifford Fellowship in 2002/3, Ian returned to the UK to be appointed Senior Lecturer at the Academic Vascular Surgical Unit in Hull. Professor Chetter received a five year NIHR Senior Investigators Award in April 2018.

Professor Chetter is the Royal College of Surgeons Surgical Specialty Lead for Research in Vascular Surgery and is also currently Chair of the Research Committee, an Executive Committee Member, and Committee Member for the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

MBChB – 1990 (University of Leeds)
FRCS (Eng) – 1994
MD – 2000 (University of Leeds)
FRCS (Gen Surg) – 2002
Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Ultrasound – 2005 (University of Leeds)
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Education – 2011 (University of Newcastle)
Research Interests Professor Chetter’s interests are predominantly Health Services Research and New and Emerging Technologies in arterial and venous disease, wound healing and surgical site infection. In addition he has interests in the molecular biology of aneurysmal disease, ischaemia reperfusion, translational research in therapies for intermittent claudication and educational research analysing the value of endovascular simulation.

Most recent:

VENUS 6: A Randomised Controlled Trial of compression therapies for the treatment of venous leg ulcers (Co-applicant - NIHR HTA Grant 2020 – 2024)
INITIATE: High INtensity Interval Training In pATiEnts with intermittent claudication: a proof-of-concept trial (PI – NIHR RfPB Grant 2019 – 2021)
SWHSI 2: Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Negative Wound Therapy versus usual care for surgical wounds healing by secondary intention (PI – NIHR HTA Grant 2018 – 2022)
Multiple Interventions for Diabetic Food Ulcer Treatment (MIDFUT) Trial (Collaborator – NIHR Programme Grant 2017-2022)
NIHR Senior Investigators Award (2018 – 2022)
RCS Vascular Surgical Specialty Lead (2016 – 2019)
SWHSI 1Surgical wounds healing by secondary intention: characterising and quantifying the problem and identifying effective treatments (PI NIHR Programme Grant 2011 – 2016)
NESIC: A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Study: Does Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Improve the Absolute Walking Distance in Patients with Intermittent Claudication compared to best available treatment? (Co-Investigator MHRA EME Grant 2018 – 2020)
Basil 2: Multi-centre randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a "vein bypass first" with a "best endovascular first" revascularisation strategy for severe limb ischaemia due to infra-geniculate arterial disease (Co-applicant NIHR HTA Grant 2014 – 2023)
Basil 3: Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness of drug coated balloons, drug eluting stents and plain balloon angioplasty with bail-out bare metal stent revascularisation strategies for severe limb ischaemia due to femoropopliteal disease (Co-applicant NIHR HTA Grant 2017 – 2021)
Teaching and Learning Course development

Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland:

Development of ASPIRE Educational Programme of Courses for Vascular Trainees ST3 – ST8.
Academic conference is in the planning stages with plans to run the conference in Hull in 2021
Postgraduate Teaching

Supervisor for Leeds PG Cert Ultrasound Course

Major contribution to development of undergraduate RCS courses (Anatomy Summer School and Surgical Skills for Students)
Phase 1 clinical placement tutor and Phase 3 tutor
Contributed to development and provision of HAiRT course
iBSc supervisor
Developed and provided SSCs
Developing teaching skills in others

Supervise and support research fellow undertaking MClinEd
All research fellows undergo formal Hull York Medical School training in teaching and assessment

1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th year Hull York Medical School students
Internal examiner for the University of Hull
External examiner for Universities of Newcastle and Leeds
ResearcherID I-4733-2015
Scopus Author ID 6701495555