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Dr Jenny Macleod's Outputs (13)

Chanak and the memory of Gallipoli: A British crisis of cultural demobilisation (2025)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (online). Chanak and the memory of Gallipoli: A British crisis of cultural demobilisation. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History,

The Chanak crisis of September-October 1922 brought the British government to the brink of international warfare. Although Britain observes 11 November 1918 as the end of the First World War, perhaps it is Chanak that truly marks the end of Britain’s... Read More about Chanak and the memory of Gallipoli: A British crisis of cultural demobilisation.

Looking Forward to the Centenary of the Second World War: Lessons from 2014-2018 (2022)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (2022). Looking Forward to the Centenary of the Second World War: Lessons from 2014-2018. British Journal for Military History, 8(3), 2-16.

This is the text of a keynote presentation to the Second World War Research Group's Annual Conference in 2019. It reflects on the centenary commemorations for 1914-1918 from the perspective of a First World War historian to suggest some lessons for t... Read More about Looking Forward to the Centenary of the Second World War: Lessons from 2014-2018.

Nation, memory and great war commemoration: mobilizing the past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand: edited by Shanti Sumartojo and Ben Wellings, Bern, Peter Lang, 2014, 329 pp., US $72.95 (hbk), ISBN 9-783-0343-0937-0 (2019)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (2019). Nation, memory and great war commemoration: mobilizing the past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand: edited by Shanti Sumartojo and Ben Wellings, Bern, Peter Lang, 2014, 329 pp., US $72.95 (hbk), ISBN 9-783-0343-0937-0. First World War Studies, 10(1), 162-164.

A century of Armistice Day: memorialisation in the wake of the First World War (2019)
Journal Article
Macleod, J., & Inall, Y. (2020). A century of Armistice Day: memorialisation in the wake of the First World War. Mortality, 25(1), 48-68.

© 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In the wake of the First World War a set of commemorative traditions were invented that were met with a huge public response and were repeated in every subsequent November. These... Read More about A century of Armistice Day: memorialisation in the wake of the First World War.

Sir lan Hamilton y las consecuencias de los Dardanelos (2015)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (2015). Sir lan Hamilton y las consecuencias de los Dardanelos. Desperta Ferro Contemporánea, 47--49

El desastroso intento de forzar el paso de los Dardanelos en 1915 supuso una humillación para el Imperio británico y un fracaso que pondría fin a la carrera del general sir Ian Hamilton, comandante en jefe de la Fuerza Expedicionaria del Mediterráneo... Read More about Sir lan Hamilton y las consecuencias de los Dardanelos.

Britishness and commemoration: National memorials to the First World War in Britain and Ireland (2013)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (2013). Britishness and commemoration: National memorials to the First World War in Britain and Ireland. Journal of Contemporary History, 48(4), 647-665.

The 1917 call for a national memorial to the First World War led to the establishment of the Imperial War Museum in London. It also inspired Scottish, Welsh and Irish national memorials. No English national memorial was ever proposed; instead the Cen... Read More about Britishness and commemoration: National memorials to the First World War in Britain and Ireland.

Memorials and location: Local versus national identity and the Scottish National War Memorial (2010)
Journal Article
Macleod, J. (2010). Memorials and location: Local versus national identity and the Scottish National War Memorial. Scottish Historical Review, 89(1), 73-95.

This article seeks to explore the controversy surrounding the Scottish National War Memorial. It analyses the arguments over the design of the memorial and its impact on Edinburgh Castle. The criticisms by Lord Rosebery and others of the design propo... Read More about Memorials and location: Local versus national identity and the Scottish National War Memorial.

General Sir Ian Hamilton and the Dardanelles commission (2001)
Journal Article
MacLeod, J. (2001). General Sir Ian Hamilton and the Dardanelles commission. War in History, 8(4), 418-441.

This article traces some aspects of the story behind-the-scenes at the Dardanelles commission which account for the bland nature of its reports. It focuses in particular upon the clandestine attempts by General Sir Ian Hamilton to influence the verdi... Read More about General Sir Ian Hamilton and the Dardanelles commission.