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Professor Thomas Coulthard's Outputs (3)

Extending the flood record - assessing the uncertainty and viability of palaeoflood data (2019)
Moloney, J. L. Extending the flood record - assessing the uncertainty and viability of palaeoflood data. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study assesses the uncertainty and viability of palaeoflood records in relation to the British database, which is a collection of radiocarbon dated geomorphological fluvial deposits used to infer the flood-frequency record during the Holocene. T... Read More about Extending the flood record - assessing the uncertainty and viability of palaeoflood data.

Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels (2019)
Journal Article
Duran, S., Coulthard, T. J., & Baynes, E. R. (2019). Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels. Scientific reports, 9(1), Article 15153.

On Mars, the presence of extensive networks of sinuous valleys and large channels provides evidence for a wetter and warmer environment where liquid water was more abundant than it is at present. We undertook an analysis of all major channel systems... Read More about Knickpoints in Martian channels indicate past ocean levels.

Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate (2019)
Morris, C. S. Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Coasts are vulnerable to changing environmental conditions and are likely to be affected by predicted sea level rise and wave climate variations over the next century. Predicting the likely response of coastal systems to these changes, including alte... Read More about Modelling the morphodynamics of sandy coastal systems under a changing climate.