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Professor Liz Walker's Outputs (2)

‘There’s no pill to help you deal with the guilt and shame’: Contemporary experiences of HIV in the United Kingdom (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (2019). ‘There’s no pill to help you deal with the guilt and shame’: Contemporary experiences of HIV in the United Kingdom. Health, 23(1), 97-113.

© The Author(s) 2017. The experience of living with HIV, in the global north, has changed significantly over the past 20 years. This is largely the result of effective biomedical methods of treatment and prevention. HIV is now widely considered to be... Read More about ‘There’s no pill to help you deal with the guilt and shame’: Contemporary experiences of HIV in the United Kingdom.

Problematising the discourse of 'Post-AIDS' (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (in press). Problematising the discourse of 'Post-AIDS'. Journal of Medical Humanities,

This paper reflects on the meanings of ‘post-AIDS’ in the Global North and Global South. I bring together a range of contemporary arguments to suggest that the notion of ‘post-AIDS’ is, at best, misplaced, not least because its starting point remains... Read More about Problematising the discourse of 'Post-AIDS'.