Responsibilities to the past; duties to the present: considerations on translating, editing and (re)presenting the Czech structuralist canon for modern international audiences
Journal Article
Billing, C. M. (2014). Responsibilities to the past; duties to the present: considerations on translating, editing and (re)presenting the Czech structuralist canon for modern international audiences. Theatralia, 17(2), 13-23
Dr Christian Billing's Outputs (2)
Forms of fashion: Material fabrics, national characteristics and the dramaturgy of difference on the early modern English stage (2014)
Book Chapter
Billing, C. (2014). Forms of fashion: Material fabrics, national characteristics and the dramaturgy of difference on the early modern English stage. In R. Henke, & E. Nicholson (Eds.), Transnational mobilities in early modern theater (131-156). Routledge