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Professor Valerie Sanders' Outputs (2)

Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines: Nineteenth-Century Intellectual Powerhouse (2016)
Sanders, V., & Weiner, G. (Eds.). (2016). Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines: Nineteenth-Century Intellectual Powerhouse. Routledge

One of the foremost writers of her time, Harriet Martineau established her reputation by writing a hugely successful series of fictional tales on political economy whose wide readership included the young Queen Victoria. She went on to write fiction... Read More about Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines: Nineteenth-Century Intellectual Powerhouse.

'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism (2016)
Book Chapter
Sanders, V. (2016). 'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism. In V. Sanders, & G. Weiner (Eds.), Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines : Nineteenth-century intellectual powerhouse (187-200). Routledge.

Like many of her contemporaries who wrote non-fictional prose, Martineau is a distinctive stylist. Compared with the key ‘sage’ writers of her day – Ruskin and Carlyle – she may sound understated. As a journalist who felt strongly about the issues sh... Read More about 'I have an all important review to write': Harriet Martineau's journalism.