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Professor Michael Lind's Outputs (3)

Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998–2009 (2013)
Journal Article
Lüchtenborg, M., Riaz, S. P., Lim, E., Page, R., Baldwin, D. R., Jakobsen, E., Vedsted, P., Lind, M., Peake, M. D., Mellemgaard, A., Spicer, J., Lang-Lazdunski, L., & Møller, H. (2014). Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998–2009. Thorax, 69(3), 269-273.

Introduction: Chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy is the recommended treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC), except in stage I disease where clinical guidelines state there may be a role for surgery based on favourable outcomes in case series. Evi... Read More about Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998–2009.

High procedure volume is strongly associated with improved survival after lung cancer surgery (2013)
Journal Article
Lüchtenborg, M., Riaz, S. P., Coupland, V. H., Lim, E., Jakobsen, E., Krasnik, M., Page, R., Lind, M. J., Peake, M. D., & Møller, H. (2013). High procedure volume is strongly associated with improved survival after lung cancer surgery. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(25), 3141-3146.

Studies have reported an association between hospital volume and survival for non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We explored this association in England, accounting for case mix and propensity to resect.

We analyzed data on 134,293... Read More about High procedure volume is strongly associated with improved survival after lung cancer surgery.

Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697 (2013)
Journal Article
Agarwal, V., Hodgkinson, V. C., Eagle, G. L., Scaife, L., Lind, M. J., & Cawkwell, L. (2013). Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697. International Journal of Oncology, 42(3), 1088-1092.

We have previously shown that specific COX-2 inhibitors, including DuP 697, have anti-proliferative effects on mesothelioma cells and potentiate the cytotoxicity of pemetrexed. Here, we used a novel proteomic approach to explore the mechanism of acti... Read More about Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697.