Dr Rebecca Williams
Post Nominals | SFHEA |
Biography | Rebecca is currently the Director of Research for the School of Environmental Sciences, the Hull-lead of the NERC Panorama DTP and a university Open Research Champion. Earth Scientist who takes an interdisciplinary approach to volcano research. Rebecca's research focusses on volcano-stratigraphy and hazardous volcanic flows (pyroclastic density currents and lahars), social-historical volcanology, and the communication of volcano science. All this drives towards understanding how communities may be affected by volcanic eruptions past, present and future. An expert on equality, diversity and inclusivity in curriculum design. Rebecca's research in this area seeks to understand the links between the colonial legacy of Earth Science, the pedagogy of our discipline and inequities in the access, retention and success of diverse student cohorts. Rebecca's practice in this arena seeks to effect positive change in Higher Education, with a particular focus on the Earth Sciences across the sector, and across disciplines and faculties within University of Hull. Rebecca is a dedicated science communicator, appearing on international radio, news and television. Rebecca was the Associate Dean for Student Experience, Faculty of Science and Engineering, from 2019-2023 |
Research Interests | Volcanology; Petrology; Science Communication; Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity. |
Teaching and Learning | Rebecca teaches across the Geology and Geography degree programmes, in particular on the Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Geohazards and Volcanoes and their Hazards modules. |
Scopus Author ID | 57207173590 |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Rebecca is the PI of the Catastrophic Flows Research Cluster and the Hull-lead of the NERC Panorama DTP. Rebecca welcomes PhD applications in volcanic flows, igneous petrology, modelling volcanic processes, volcanic stratigraphy (including tephrostratigraphy) and historical/social/cultural volcanology. Also on the history of Earth Science, and EDI in Earth Science. Current PhD students: Chenery, J. Can you stop a PDC? Assessing the impact of natural and engineered topographic barriers on pyroclastic density currents. Walding, N. The PDC flow units problem: Deposit heterogeneity from varying cohesive behavior and sediment flux Completed PhDs: Chen, Y, 2021. Submarine Channel Knickpoints and Bedforms. University of Hull. Smith, G, 2021. Propagation of aerated pyroclastic density current analogues: flow behaviour and the formation of bedforms and deposits. University of Hull. Scarlett, J, 2020. Coexisting with volcanoes : the relationships between La Soufrière and the society of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. University of Hull. Jordan N, 2015. Pre-Green Tuff explosive eruptive history, petrogenesis and proximal-distal tephra correlations of a peralkaline caldera volcano, Pantelleria, Italy. University of Leicester. MSc By Thesis (Research) students Current: Malon, C. Ashy Isotopes: Resolving the Pantescan tephrostratigraphy using trace elements and isotopes. Gingell, L. Is waxing and waning in pyroclastic density currents recorded as reverse grading in ignimbrites? Completed: Jones, E. 2023. Lost in Translation? Exploring the journey from press releases to news articles during volcanic crises, and its impact on perceptions Johnston, T. 2022. How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents? Johnson, M. 2022. Characterisation of reverse grading in ignimbrites through image analysis and experimental granular currents Peck, A. Who is the hashtag for? An analysis of social media use during the Agung VolcanoCrisis |
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