Dr Thomas Lawson
Post Nominals | MPhys, PhD |
Biography | Thomas Lawson is a computational nuclear astrophysicist with a background researching the products of core-collapse supernova and their pollution into the early Solar System. He finished his PhD in Physics at the University of Hull with strong collaboration with Konkoly Observatory in Budapest in 2023. He moved onto a Teaching Fellow position with the Centre of Excellence for Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Modelling (DAIM); going on to take a teaching fellow position with the Physics department. He is active in science outreach, currently acting as co-outreach officer in Physics. |
Research Interests | Core collapse supernovae Meteoritic Analysis Computational Modelling Nucleosynthesis in stellar bodies and transient events |
Teaching and Learning | Preparation for learning in higher education (300008, Physics contact) Introduction to Physics 2 (300005) Experimental and Computational Methods for Physics (441302) Experimental Skills and Mathematics II (500048) Intermediate Quantum Mechanics with Advanced Computation (500051, Module lead) Stellar Structure and Evolution (500053) |