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Post Nominals PhD, FHEA, AMIChemE
Biography Dr Font Palma is Senior Lecturer and joined the School of Engineering in 2021 as lecturer. She was Programme Director of Chemical Engineering during 2022/23. She works on process simulation, process integration of energy systems, low-carbon energy and hydrogen, and cryogenic carbon capture.

She has a PhD in biomass gasification from the University of Manchester. She has been part of various consortia involving research on oxy-combustion, cryogenic carbon capture, gas turbines and exhaust gas recirculation, and methanol synthesis. She led the CO2-FROST project funded by the UKCCSRC Flexible funding 2020.

Carolina was awarded the prestigious RAEng/The Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 2020/2021. She took a secondment in Uniper Hydrogen UK Ltd, funded by IDRIC. She has numerous publications on energy and carbon capture, and is a member of the UKRI Talent Peer Review College.
Research Interests Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
Low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia production
Cryogenic carbon capture
Modelling and process simulation
Process integration of energy systems
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)
ResearcherID C-3485-2015
Scopus Author ID 51565835600
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Current PhD supervision:
Matthew Lovelady (2023 - 2026): Selection of hydrogen production and storage options according to industrial application, funded by University of Hull PhD Cluster Scholarships Scheme 2023/24

Past PhD students:
1. David Cann (2017 - 2021): Experimental exploration of cryogenic CO2 capture utilising a moving bed, at University of Chester, sponsored by ERDF Eco-Innovation and PMW Technology. Now Process engineer at Wood.
2. Chinonyelum Udemu (2021 - 2024): Modelling and scale-up studies of sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) of methane for blue hydrogen production, funded by Net Zero Research (formerly Biomass and Fossil Fuels Research Alliance (BF2RA))

PhD co-supervision:
Reace Edwards (2018 - 2023): Exploring the Acceleration of Sustainability Transitions: The Case of the North West UK’s Hydrogen Agenda, at University of Chester, sponsored by Costain. Now Business Modelling Consultant at Energy Systems Catapult.

Supervision of Researchers/Fellows:
Dec 2024 – Oct 2025 Dr Chinonyelum Udemu as Teaching Assistant
Sept 2021 – Dec 2022 Dr Davin Cann as Teaching Fellow

Current opportunities:
If you would like to know more about PhD project opportunities, feel free to contact me.

PhD Cluster in Hydrogen production, storage and its applications: