Dr Cassandra Gooptar
Biography | Dr Cassandra Gooptar is an interdisciplinary researcher from Trinidad and Tobago whose main focus of research involves themes of slavery, colonialism and reparative justice. She is currently a Lecturer of Legacies of Slavery at the Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull. She conducts research exploring Britain’s legacies of slavery through institutional investigations to uncover their links with slavery. She is the lead researcher on the UK Guardian Legacies of Enslavement Project and she is an Advisory Panel member of the Guardian’s Legacies of Enslavement Restorative Justice project. Cassandra has worked at the University of Nottingham, University of Dundee, University of Bristol and University of Hull on projects related to exploring Britain's legacies of slavery. She was also co-lead on a collaborative reparative justice project entitled 'Bristol, Capital & Enslavement' at the University of Bristol and has conducted research both within the academic and heritage sector such as exploring Fulham Palace links with slavery as part of the ‘Bishop of London, Colonialism and Transatlantic Slavery’ project and the University of Dundee Founders Project, Scotland. Cassandra is also co-founder of the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network for the Study of Slavery and its Legacies which is focused on support and knowledge exchange of ECRs engaged in the field of legacies of slavery research. |