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Dr Stavros Michailos' Outputs (4)

Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization (2023)
Journal Article
Jiang, L., Liu, W., Liu, W., Wang, R. Q., Gonzalez-Diaz, A., Rojas-Michaga, M. F., Michailos, S., Pourkashanian, M., Zhang, X. J., & Font-Palma, C. (2023). Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 95, Article 101069.

Direct air capture (DAC) is gathering momentum since it has vast potential and high flexibility to collect CO2 from discrete sources as “synthetic tree” when compared with current CO2 capture technologies, e.g., amine based post-combustion capture. I... Read More about Sorption direct air capture with CO2 utilization.

A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant (2020)
Journal Article
Michailos, S., Walker, M., Moody, A., Poggio, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2021). A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1), Article 104735.

The aim of the present study is to assess the techno-economic viability of integrating biomethanation into power to gas systems in a real waste water treatment plant (WWTP). The research is the first attempt to assess the viability of several scenari... Read More about A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant.

Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment (2020)
Journal Article
Michailos, S., Walker, M., Moody, A., Poggio, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2020). Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment. Energy Conversion and Management, 209, Article 112663.

The biomethanation of CO2 from anaerobic digestion within the power to gas concept has recently emerged as a promising technology to upgrade biogas, to decarbonise the domestic and industrial heat sector, provide long term energy storage and deliver... Read More about Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment.

Evaluation of the performance and economic viability of a novel low temperature carbon capture process (2019)
Journal Article
Willson, P., Lychnos, G., Clements, A., Michailos, S., Font-Palma, C., Diego, M. E., Pourkashanian, M., & Howe, J. (2019). Evaluation of the performance and economic viability of a novel low temperature carbon capture process. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 86, 1-9.

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd A novel Advanced Cryogenic Carbon Capture (A3C) process is being developed using low cost but high intensity heat transfer to achieve high CO2 capture efficiencies with a much reduced energy consumption and process equipment size.... Read More about Evaluation of the performance and economic viability of a novel low temperature carbon capture process.