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Profile image of Yong Sheng

Professor Yong Sheng

Biography Dr. Y Sheng is the Professor of Mechanical and Material Engineering at the University of Hull. He has over 25 years of research experiences in developing advanced computational models and applying them to solve a broad range of engineering problems, focusing on renewable energy and advance engineering materials recently. He has established a research profile that is highly appreciated by the international research community and led a number of major UK and EU research projects in alternative and green energy generations and sustainable built environment and bio and engineering materials. Prof Sheng has published over 100 refereed research articles and is the member of editorial board for a number of international journals. He has developed an extensive collaborative research network with both the research community and industrial practitioners in UK and worldwide. Prof Sheng is the head of the school of engineering at University of Hull.
Research Interests Computational modelling of engineering structures and materials:
• Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling: Development of Micro- and Macroscopic numerical methods (Finite Element Method, Discrete Element Method, Computational Fluid Dynamics) for engineering applications
• Structural Engineering: Dynamic analysis and stability assessment of engineering structures, Interaction between fluid and structure, Interaction between soil and structure
• Composite Materials: Multi scale damage analysis of fibre reinforced composites and composite laminates
• Manufacturing process: 3D printing of composite materials and components
• Ceramic processing: Ultra precision machining
• Energy Engineering: Geological storage of CO2, Underground coal gasification (UCG)
• Petroleum Engineering: borehole stability and enhanced oil and gas recovery (EOR)
• Engineering Geology: Hydraulic fracturing, Stability of geological faults
• Bio-Material Engineering: Pharmaceutical drug manufacturing, Mechanical and electrical interaction of heart tissue
Teaching and Learning Static and Dynamic Mechanics
Finite Element Method
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Engineering computing
AI and robotic applications in structural and material engineering