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Dr Wasim Ahmed's Outputs (2)

Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game (2022)
Journal Article
Ahmed, W., Fenton, A., Hardey, M., & Das, R. (2022). Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 11(2), 222-234.

The management literature has extensively studied viral marketing in the last decade; however, there is a lack of research in understanding network structures and the role of influencers within popular cultural consumption, such as on-demand digital... Read More about Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game.

Marketing #neurodiversity for well-being (2022)
Journal Article
Go Jefferies, J., & Ahmed, W. (2022). Marketing #neurodiversity for well-being. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39(6), 632-648.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a bottom-up segmentation of people affected by neurodiversity using Twitter data. Design/methodology/approach: This exploratory study uses content analysis of information shared by Twitter users over a... Read More about Marketing #neurodiversity for well-being.