Professor Brad Gibson
Astrophysics at the University of Hull
People Involved
Dr Elke Roediger
Reader in Astrophysics, Director of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics
Dr David Benoit
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Physics and Astrochemistry
Dr Siri Chongchitnan
Professor Kevin Pimbblet
Director of DAIM
Dr Marco Pignatari
Remnants and ejecta of thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae: Constraining oxygen-neon deflagrations in high-density white dwarfs (2018)
Journal Article
Jones, S., Röpke, F. K., Fryer, C., Ruiter, A. J., Seitenzahl, I. R., Nittler, L. R., Ohlmann, S. T., Reifarth, R., Pignatari, M., & Belczynski, K. (2019). Remnants and ejecta of thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae: Constraining oxygen-neon deflagrations in high-density white dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 622, Article A74. explosion mechanism of electron-capture supernovae (ECSNe) remains equivocal: it is not completely clear whether these events are implosions in which neutron stars are formed, or incomplete thermonuclear explosions that leave behind bound ONeFe w... Read More about Remnants and ejecta of thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae: Constraining oxygen-neon deflagrations in high-density white dwarfs.
The s process in AGB stars as constrained by a large sample of barium stars (2018)
Journal Article
Cseh, B., Lugaro, M., D'Orazi, V., de Castro, D. B., Pereira, C. B., Karakas, A. I., Molnár, L., Plachy, E., Szabó, R., Pignatari, M., & Cristallo, S. (2018). The s process in AGB stars as constrained by a large sample of barium stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 620,© ESO 2018. Context. Barium (Ba) stars are dwarf and giant stars enriched in elements heavier than iron produced by the slow neutron-capture process (s process). These stars belong to binary systems in which the primary star evolved through the asymp... Read More about The s process in AGB stars as constrained by a large sample of barium stars.