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Hull Maritime

People Involved

Dock Development, 1778-1914 (2017)
Book Chapter
Wilcox, M. (2017). Dock Development, 1778-1914. In D. J. Starkey, D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, & E. Salter (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place (117-144). Liverpool University Press

First paragraph:
Hull owes its existence to water transport. Located at the mouth of the River Hull, where the deep-water channel of the Humber sweeps along its north bank, it is a natural transhipment point, and although the town (as it is properly... Read More about Dock Development, 1778-1914.

William Papper (Vignette) (2017)
Book Chapter
Wilcox, M. William Papper (Vignette). In D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, E. Salter, & D. Starkey (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press