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Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols. (2005)
Tyler, C. (2005). Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols. Thoemmes Continuum

A selection of previously-unpublished manuscripts by British idealists (Bernard Bosanquet, Edward Caird, T.H. Green, and D.G. Ritchie), transcribed and edited for the first time.  Paperback reprint published in 2008 by Imprint Academic. Returned in ... Read More about Unpublished manuscripts in British idealism : political philosophy, theology and social thought. 2 vols..

British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott (2005)
Journal Article
Boucher, D., Boucher, D., Sweet, W., Connelly, J., Connelly, J., Panagakou, S., Tyler, C., Sweet, W., & Tyler, C. (2005). British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 97-125.

Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action (2005)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2005). Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 67-80.

Debates over whether a certain thing is (or ought to be) construed as 'political' are frequent and frequently interminable. This article argues that approaches to the proper understanding, scope and application of political concepts should recognise... Read More about Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action.