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Outputs (4)

Fracture attribute scaling and connectivity in the Devonian Orcadian Basin with implications for geologically equivalent sub-surface fractured reservoirs (2020)
Journal Article
Dichiarante, A. M., McCaffrey, K. J. W., Holdsworth, R. E., Bjørnarå, T. I., & Dempsey, E. D. (2020). Fracture attribute scaling and connectivity in the Devonian Orcadian Basin with implications for geologically equivalent sub-surface fractured reservoirs. Solid Earth, 11(6), 2221-2244.

Fracture attribute scaling and connectivity datasets from analogue systems are widely used to inform sub-surface fractured reservoir models in a range of geological settings. However, significant uncertainties are associated with the determination of... Read More about Fracture attribute scaling and connectivity in the Devonian Orcadian Basin with implications for geologically equivalent sub-surface fractured reservoirs.

A bigger splat: The catastrophic geology of a 1.2-b.y.-old terrestrial megaclast (2020)
Journal Article
Killingback, Z., Holdsworth, R. E., Walker, R. J., Nielsen, S., Dempsey, E., & Hardman, K. (2020). A bigger splat: The catastrophic geology of a 1.2-b.y.-old terrestrial megaclast. Geology,

Rockfalls are relatively little described from the ancient geological record, likely due to their poor preservation potential. At Clachtoll, northwest Scotland, a megaclast (100 m × 60 m × 15 m) of Neoarchean Lewisian gneiss with an estimated mass of... Read More about A bigger splat: The catastrophic geology of a 1.2-b.y.-old terrestrial megaclast.

The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities (2020)
Journal Article
Hardman, K., Holdsworth, R. E., Dempsey, E., & McCaffrey, K. (2020). The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities. Journal of the Geological Society,

Hosted in carbonate and crystalline basement rocks below regional unconformities, fissure-fill networks are a widely recognized, but relatively little described near-surface phenomenon (< 1-2km). Faults and fractures in otherwise tight Devonian carbo... Read More about The nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities.

The nature and age of Mesoproterozoic strike-slip faulting based on Re-Os geochronology of syn-tectonic copper mineralization, Assynt Terrane, NW Scotland (2020)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, R. E., Selby, D., Dempsey, E., Scott, L., Hardman, K., Fallick, A., & Bullock, R. (in press). The nature and age of Mesoproterozoic strike-slip faulting based on Re-Os geochronology of syn-tectonic copper mineralization, Assynt Terrane, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, jgs2020-011.