Northwest Pacific ice-rafted debris at 38°N reveals episodic ice-sheet change in late Quaternary Northeast Siberia
Journal Article
McCarron, A. P., Bigg, G. R., Brooks, H., Leng, M. J., Marshall, J. D., Ponomareva, V., Portnyagin, M., Reimer, P. J., & Rogerson, M. (2021). Northwest Pacific ice-rafted debris at 38°N reveals episodic ice-sheet change in late Quaternary Northeast Siberia. Earth and planetary science letters, 553, Article 116650.
© 2020 The Authors The ice-rafted-debris (IRD) record of the open Northwest Pacific points towards the existence of substantial glacial ice on the Northeast Siberian coast during the late Quaternary. However, the scale and timing of glaciation and de... Read More about Northwest Pacific ice-rafted debris at 38°N reveals episodic ice-sheet change in late Quaternary Northeast Siberia.