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Outputs (2)

Brexit: The marine governance horrendogram just got more horrendous! (2016)
Journal Article
Boyes, S. J., & Elliott, M. (2016). Brexit: The marine governance horrendogram just got more horrendous!. Marine pollution bulletin, 111(1-2), 41-44.

On Thursday 23rd June 2016, the British people voted in a referendum on the following question: ‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’ Of the 33,551,983 who voted, 51.9% (17,410,742) voted to le... Read More about Brexit: The marine governance horrendogram just got more horrendous!.

Is existing legislation fit-for-purpose to achieve Good Environmental Status in European seas? (2016)
Journal Article
Boyes, S. J., Elliott, M., Murillas-Maza, A., Papadopoulou, N., & Uyarra, M. C. (2016). Is existing legislation fit-for-purpose to achieve Good Environmental Status in European seas?. Marine pollution bulletin, 111(1-2), 18-32.

Recent additions to marine environmental legislation are usually designed to fill gaps in protection and management, build on existing practices or correct deficiencies in previous instruments. Article 13 of the European Marine Strategy Framework Dir... Read More about Is existing legislation fit-for-purpose to achieve Good Environmental Status in European seas?.