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Outputs (48)

The concept of an estuary: A definition that incorporates systems which can become closed to the ocean and hypersaline (2010)
Journal Article
Potter, I. C., Chuwen, B. M., Hoeksema, S. D., & Elliott, M. (2010). The concept of an estuary: A definition that incorporates systems which can become closed to the ocean and hypersaline. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 87(3), 497-500.

The majority of the definitions of estuaries have been based on the characteristics of estuaries in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. As previously pointed out (Day, 1980), such definitions do not take into account such features as period... Read More about The concept of an estuary: A definition that incorporates systems which can become closed to the ocean and hypersaline.

Mapping hydraulic biotopes using terrestrial laser scan data of water surface properties (2010)
Journal Article
Milan, D., Heritage, G., Large, A., & Entwistle, N. (2010). Mapping hydraulic biotopes using terrestrial laser scan data of water surface properties. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 35(8), 918-931.

For more than a decade, habitat mapping using biotopes (in-channel hydraulically-defined habitats) has underpinned aquatic conservation in the UK through (a) providing baseline information on system complexity and (b) allowing environmental and ecolo... Read More about Mapping hydraulic biotopes using terrestrial laser scan data of water surface properties.

An 80 million year oceanic redox history from Permian to Jurassic pelagic sediments of the Mino-Tamba terrane, SW Japan, and the origin of four mass extinctions (2010)
Journal Article
Wignall, P. B., Bond, D. P., Kuwahara, K., Kakuwa, Y., Newton, R. J., & Poulton, S. W. (2010). An 80 million year oceanic redox history from Permian to Jurassic pelagic sediments of the Mino-Tamba terrane, SW Japan, and the origin of four mass extinctions. Global and planetary change, 71(1-2), 109-123.

Fabric and pyrite framboid size analysis of Permian to Jurassic samples from the Mino-Tamba terrane of Japan provide an 80myr redox history from the Panthalassa Ocean. Fully oxygenated conditions dominated but were punctuated by three phases of anoxi... Read More about An 80 million year oceanic redox history from Permian to Jurassic pelagic sediments of the Mino-Tamba terrane, SW Japan, and the origin of four mass extinctions.

Analysis of low temperature solar thermal electric generation using regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (2010)
Journal Article
Pei, G., Li, J., & Ji, J. (2010). Analysis of low temperature solar thermal electric generation using regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied thermal engineering, 30(8-9), 998-1004.

The innovative configuration of low temperature solar thermal electric generation with regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is designed, mainly consisting of small concentration ratio compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) and the regenerative OR... Read More about Analysis of low temperature solar thermal electric generation using regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle.

Self-organized criticality in river basins: challenging sedimentary records of environmental change (2010)
Journal Article
Van De Wiel, M. J., & Coulthard, T. J. (2010). Self-organized criticality in river basins: challenging sedimentary records of environmental change. Geology, 38(1), 87-90.

For many years researchers have linked increases in sediment and bedload from drainage basins to external factors such as increased rainfall. However, natural systems have always shown a high degree of scatter or nonlinearity in this response, which... Read More about Self-organized criticality in river basins: challenging sedimentary records of environmental change.

Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatter (2010)
McLelland, S. (2010). Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatter

Published alongside Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., Marr, J.D.G., 2010, Bedload-surrogate monitoring technologies: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5091This paper describes the application of acoustic backscatter from multiple... Read More about Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatter.