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Outputs (4)

In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’ (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’. Justice, power and resistance, 2(2), 287-313

This article examines the development of a particular policy framework that is coming to fruition in the UK after decades of gestation. It examines how the administration of ‘workfare’ and the operation of immigration enforcement, while existing inde... Read More about In the teeth of the machine: workfare, immigration enforcement and the regulation of ‘surplus labour’.

"Punitive reformation": state-sanctioned labour through criminal justice and welfare (2018)
Book Chapter
Burnett, J. (2018). "Punitive reformation": state-sanctioned labour through criminal justice and welfare. In S. Bittle, L. Snider, S. Tombs, & D. Whyte (Eds.), Revisiting Crimes of the Powerful : Marxism, Crime and Deviance (283-296). Routledge.

This chapter examines an aspect of the “imaginary social order” that was integral to the analysis within Crimes of the Powerful, but has rarely been adequately explored: the “belief that the interests of labour are essentially the same as the interes... Read More about "Punitive reformation": state-sanctioned labour through criminal justice and welfare.

Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp (2018)
Journal Article
Burnett, J. (2018). Book review: Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter Edited by Camp, Jordan T., and Heatherton, Christina (London: Verso, 2016), 320 pp. Race & class, 59(3), 108-110.

Book review of Policing the Planet: why the policing crisis led to Black Lives Matter