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A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context (2019)
Journal Article
McAleer, P. (2019). A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context. The Modern language review, 114(1), 79-102.

Gabriel García Márquez's literature shares a number of aspects with the cultural and literary traditions of the indigenous Wayuu of Colombia: e.g. symbols of death, the afterlife, dreams, and divination. This article examines the results of a reader-... Read More about A reader-response study of the relationship between the Wayuu peoples and the literature of Gabriel García Márquez: The influence of ethno-education on language use and narratives of identity in an indigenous bilingual context.