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Performance, drama and spectacle in the medieval city: essays in honour of Alan Hindley (2010)
Tudor, A., Emerson, C., & Longtin, M. (2010). A. Tudor, M. Longtin, & C. Emerson (Eds.). Performance, drama and spectacle in the medieval city: essays in honour of Alan Hindley. Peeters Publishers

The growth of urban life in the Middle Ages led to a flourishing of performance, drama and spectacle as we understand them today. Here is presented, for the first time, a collection of commissioned essays whose goal is to bring together a broad varie... Read More about Performance, drama and spectacle in the medieval city: essays in honour of Alan Hindley.

Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625) (2010)
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2010). Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). (1). Masarykova univerzita

The mature plays of John Fletcher, Shakespeare's collaborator and successor with the King's Men, have received little critical attention. This book analyzes the specifics of mature Fletcherian style, proposing a reading that agrees with the Baroque m... Read More about Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625).